Chapter 12

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Jake’s POV.

I finished my 6th game at the Xbox, and I was so fucking bored. My parents weren’t at home, cause my sister wanted to go out, this kid is worse than me, she can’t support to sit at home, I can imagine how she will grow. My parents will say I am an angel after they see what she will do. The kiddo was walking in high heels with some of my mom’s bra and a short skirt...All the skills since she is little. I had an invitation to a party, but Evan doesn’t go as he is in the ‘I-am-trying-to-be-a-good-boyfriend’ tag, and the easy girl aren’t so entertaining tonight. I can believe I refused to go somewhere were are free drinks and sex, I am definitely growing up.

I went to the fridge and drunk milk from the box, talking about grown up…After I just sat on the kitchen island and enjoyed the junk food that mom bought yesterday. The good thing about being a guy, you eat however you want. I mean girls are so freaking obsessed over calories, except Lucy, the girl doesn’t care she just eat and eats. I bet she eats more than me, and that’s A LOT. I made a nutella sandwich with strawberries and banana on it. I was about to bite it, when I heard the doorbell. It’s impossible for my parents to come this early, so I thought that however it is they can wait, I am in the middle of the eating process.  And however it was, was very insistent, that’s why I got up and walked towards the door to open it, and scream at them because they are interrupting something important. And I have two important things: food and hook ups. I opened the door annoyed, and was about to let out some beautiful words but my mouth just stand hang open when I saw the hot body in front of me, like the jerk I am I checked the girl out, and then my eyes came to her pretty face. She smiled.

“Hi,” she said rather sure of herself.

With the looks she has, of course she is confident.

This time I agree with my inner mind. I realized I am thinking too much, and I should answer.

“Can I help you?” I put my best accent in voice, and ended the sentence with my famous smirk, while landing on the door frame, and making sure to put my hand in my hair, making it look a little messy. She bite her bottom lip. Some tricks are just immortal.

“Actually you do, I came to visit a friend, and got lost and my mobile is off battery,” she said so innocent but still making the hint that she is not one good girl.

“You can come in, it’s freezing outside,” I looked out and saw the sun set with a clear pinkish sky and no sign of cold wind.


The girl got the hint, and made a step, she put her hands on my chest pushing me in the house, while entering herself, as I was blocking the way. She closed the door after her, and then her eyes met mine again. I gave her the look no one can resist, and make a step closer to her, knowing that the wall is near, so I can push her against it, cause she is definitely is not a goody two shoes.  She knew my move cause she just gave me a hit shoulder and went in the living, sitting careless on my coach like it’s her home. I sat next to her, and put my hand gently on her lap, making rounds on it. She tried to control her breath, and that’s when she couldn’t resist anymore, and put a leg on my lap, our faces being inches away…And heck she didn’t even ask for my name, and never told me hers…

Definitely a gift from heaven.

Lucy’s POV.

I was waiting on Jake’s staircase dressed like a guy that was about to go to rob a bank, we had a black socks on our heads, black tight jeans, black converse and black tank top. What were we waiting for?  For Delilah and her SOS message that gives us a freeway in Jake’s house, knowing he is busy.

“Are you sure she didn’t get too distracted and forgot to send the message?” I asked Sarah being fed up of waiting, even though I stayed here for 5 minutes. What can I say? Being an agent is not my destiny.

“Please Delilah has skills,”

“Jake got them too, I saw the guy and his charms,” I didn’t doubt him being a power on my poor best friend.

“So why not him?”  I gave her a questioning look, not understanding what she meant. “Why did you chose other guy? Jake is smoking hot, got the charms, and he looks quite entertaining,”

“He is annoying, and we didn’t get along from the first time, so…” I was interrupted by my phone, that was Delilah’s sign to go and put our plan in mission.  “We got to go,” We opened the front door quietly, and without a hesitation went upstairs, far away from where the two lovely birds stay.

And not like normal people that can just go and open the laptop and delete the photo, we pretended in a detective movie.

“Lucy what are you doing?” Sarah asked seriously when she saw me hiding in a corner of a room, looking around my shoulder.

“What?! I am role-playing here,” she rolled her eyes at my stupidity. And went straight to Jake’s laptop that thank God was open. As I was analyzing the stuff in his room, Sarah was deleting the photo. I was looking at all the photos of him and his family that were placed in a small corner so no one would see.

Probably because it will unmask his bad boy shit, and everyone will see he is an average boy with  a good heart  that is trying to pretend to be someone just that he will be some important person out there. Can’t blame him through.  Looking thought the photos of him being small at fishing with his father, then with his small sister, mom at picnic. Photos are so adorable. And there in the corner of all of them, there was one, that I suppose Jake wanted to hide from the others, I took it to have a look closer and brust in laughing.

Jake sitting on the toilet while wearing his  mom’s heels and probably dress.

Now this is hilarious.

“Let’s go, don’t want to get caught,” Sarah got me to realty, and I put the photo in the back pocket of my jeans. Not only he can have something to blackmail me. I followed my friend outside and sent Delilah a message so she will know this all is over.


“You sent me a message right on time, I didn’t know if I could resist anymore,” Delilah entered my room, and I see what she meant. Her hair was so messy, and her shirt had some unbuttoned buttons, while her skirt was a little too up for it’s model. “The guy is like a wild animal, and I really am jealous of you now, you live near such a guy…”she bite her lip probably remembering their make-out session.

“How did you escape from his hands?” I asked her knowing that Jake is not that simple go away from.

“Well we were in the middle of the make-out session when my phone vibrate, and I broke it, and screamed that I remembered where my friend lives, and while he stared at me in confusion I just ran away,” we laughed hard at this, imagining the whole situation. I looked at his window, he was staring in mine, seeing me and my friends, he was tricked.

Jake had a mad expression, that will probably warn me to sleep with a gun at night.  I gave him a kiss in the air, before closing the curtain.

That’s what you get Jake Peterson.

“Lucy?” Sarah made me turn around, and get out of my ‘Oh-revenge-feels-so-good’ world.


“Some guy Evan texted you, asking for a beach party,” they said excited, clapping their hands.  My smile went wide, cause this evening just gets better.

“Girls did you bring your swimming suits? You are going to a beach party!”


I am such a horrible person.

Seriously sorry for such a late upload, I promise it won’t take this long anymore. Thank you guys for patience, and not rushing me. I love you. How did you like the chapter? I didn’t write the book in such long time I missed these two. So what do you think? Comment? Vote? And as always a random commenter gets the dedication.

<3 Love you to the moon and back <3

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