Chapter 14

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Lucy’s POV.

“No, Jake we had to stop it,” I said through moans, my voice coming out harsh.

“Why? You like it, I like it,” his lips trailed down my neck, and his hands grabbed my ass, the strange thing I was not complaining. I was enjoying it.  It was past midnight I think, and me and Jake went in the woods, or it was because of too many drinks, or that we really had a thing for each other. But now I feel like meat in a sandwich, pressed between a tree and the hot Jake, that knows how to do it. I let out a moan. I was definitely turned on, so the wild Lucy will come out. I still can’t help but imagine my friend’s faces when I will tell them, and I am sure as hell that Sarah will say ‘GIRL YOU DID IT!’ His kissed felt nicer than the Evan’s ones. And I don’t know it’s because he has more experience, even though it’s impossible, or he is a better kissed for me. Whatever it is I decide to forget about it all for a half of hour and enjoy the night. That will be probably one of the best in my life.

I moaned, as Jake’s hands grabbed me, so my legs were around his waist. Our make-out session becoming rougher.

“Lucy? Lucy?” I heard Evan’s voice somewhere not so far. I began to panic, and Jake had broken apart.

I am really in trouble… if Evan finds out?

“Lucy?”  Evan’s voice came like a whisper, I closed my eyes. “Lucy?” I felt his hand on my shoulder. I need to face it. I open my eyes, to see myself in a king size bed, Evan was near trying to wake me up with a huge smile on his face. “Good morning sleeping beauty,” he said nicely.

“Where the hell am I?”

“In my room,”  he said calm, still having that adorable face on.

So now you think he is adorable, and 50 seconds ago you were dreaming about making out with Jake.

Right, oh my god! Why had I dreamed something like this? Ewww it was creepy. Me and Jake? A thing? OH NO!

“Why exactly am I here?” I asked suspiciously, I wanted to look under cover to see if I am naked, but Evan was watching me, and that would be embarrassing. The fact is I really don’t know what happened yesterday after Evan had brought me the drinks.

“You get drunk easily, so I took you home like a caring boyfriend does,” I smiled at the caring boyfriend phrase, I’ve never seen Evan ‘caring’ actually, so this was really…cute?

“Well thank you, I hope we didn’t have a thing…” it came out a little too awkward, but well I can’t do nothing about it, I am naturally awkward.

“Don’t worry, I may be an asshole, but I am not this big, and I can’t use your state, I don’t know you are a little different. And plus Jake was calling me every half of hour to check out I didn’t try something,” Jake called? Why would Jake call? “And he asked me not to tell you, and that he was worrying just because of his parents, which I thought was a lame excuse,” I think so too, why would Jake care? But still his parents may ask if something wrong happens. I know his mom, so he being the selfish jerk he is worried more about his ass than myself.

“Thank you,” I said after a moment of silence. He was near his room’s door, about to exit for something, and he turned his head around, gave me a unforgettable smile and said:

“I really like you, by the way your clothes smell like vodka, cause seriously after a half cup of alcohol you went crazy, I am glad a half of a cup doesn’t bring you hangover, anyway I will give you some of my big sister’s shorts, and one of my shirts it’s okay?” I just realized I will look like those girl on tumblr, but well I have nothing to do about this, so I nodded.

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