the dance

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⚠️ listen to the somg^^ it's on a hour loop so take your time reading⚠️

request: @hellen_savage
word count: 656 words
warnings: sad, talk about guns and getting shot, talk about death and dying

request: @hellen_savage word count: 656 words   warnings: sad, talk about guns and getting shot, talk about death and dying

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no ones pov:
"911? s-someone was shot.. *address*" a man said into a phone

y/n looked around in fear, she felt very cold but also felt a sharp pain.

the pain felt like a knife being dragged into your stomach.

people looked down scared of what could happen to the girl who was being held by her boyfriend

louis's once white shirt was covered in her blood and his tux was very dark due to her blood

y/n felt as if she couldn't move, she felt a very heavy weight being put on her

"i don't think she's going to make it." y/n heard whispered around

her vision began to get blurry and she felt more tired then usual

"no no no." she heard her boyfriend whisper

at this point no one knew what to do, no one knew how to help y/n

y/n's mind yet didn't understand why she felt so tired and why louis kept asking her to keep her eyes open

her body was in shock.
it all started out as a school dance, everyone was having a good time. they were living their life to the fullest right now

louis and y/n were at the fruit punch station

a loud bang and screams came through louis and y/n's ears

y/n felt a sharp and cold glide through her lower abdomen, she was wearing a beautiful white dress

she looked down in shock to see herself bleeding

people immediately took notice and louis grabbed y/n and laid her down in his arms

"SOMEONE CALL 911!!!" louis yelled as tears tricked down his face

"y/n i love you, and your the most beautiful girl in the world. i will forever love you. no one could ever fill the spot in my heart for you. your the most sweetest person i've ever talked to. your so so perfect, i could never forget the first day i met you in the 4th grade. i thought your crayons were food so i ate them. you were always so nice to my family even when they weren't always the nicest to you. i love you and i will forever love you." louis said as he could feel his heart break when he heard his girlfriend speak

"i-i love you t-too, but now i get to be with l-lil peep and my g-grandpa. i-i'll w-watch over y-you.." y/n said softly and quiet

"you can finally go to your first peep concert, he will be so happy with you." louis said to his girlfriend

sirens were heard from a distance

y/n's eyes slowly shut "i love you lou.." she started but drifted off into her body

louis let out quiet sobs knowing he will never be able to hear his girlfriend speak again

cops removed louis from where y/n's once living body was

a black material covered her body

louis's family ran up to him and his mom hugged him every so tightly

louis let out muffled sobs while louis felt his body go numb

"her last w-words were that s-she l-loved m-me." louis said feeling his heart break once again

*look at the sky tonight, all the stars have a reason*

louis looked up to see stars flickering and people may say that it was all in louis's head but louis believed it was y/n

"look at the sky tonight, all the stars have a reason" louis said

"what?" millie asked

"those were y/n's favorite lyrics from lil peep." louis said as everyone in the area looked at the sky..
ugh this made me cry while writing this

—————notes:ugh this made me cry while writing this

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