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request: @QueenThottela
pro-nouns used: none
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p a r t r i d g e.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

AUGGIE WAS 16, a very nice 16 year old. he was quiet, didn't have very many friends maybe 2 at the most

one of the good things about the partridge family was that they were very open and accepting when it came to auggie

y/n and louis decided that if they were gonna have a child, they would accept everything good that's comes with it

just because the family was open doesn't mean they knew everything about auggie


here the family was, they were sat down at their dinner table. louis and y/n could sense something was off about auggie

he would usually eat his food really fast but today he picked at his food and moved it around

as the parents sat worried about auggie, auggie sat thinking about if he should tell his parents or not

he knew that his parents would accept him. they literally have a pride flag on their front porch but he didn't know how they would feel having a gay son

auggie cleared his throat and spoke up "i-umm i have something to tell you guys!"

a rush of over whelming-ness washed over auggies body. small tears ran down his face

he wasn't sad, he was nervous. nervous of his parents reaction

"is everything okay auggie?" y/n asked "do you need something?" louis asked

auggie shook his head "no-no i just wanted to tell you guys... um-uhh y-you have a gay son!" he said

"oo yay!! sorry- i mean i'm very proud of you for telling us!" y/n said excited

"i knew, no offense auggie but i've had my suspicions." louis said making auggie laugh

louis picked up y/n's and auggies dishes and placed them in the sink "so do you like anyone?" y/n asked

"no, everyone at my school is really ugly." auggie said making louis and y/n laugh

"we will always accept you auggie.." y/n said giving auggie a hug "now go watch your criminal minds!" louis said as auggie ran upstairs

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
i got called a social reject at my school today :)

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :i got called a social reject at my school today :)

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