coming out

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word count:292 words

y/n's pov:
today was the day i was going to tell my boyfriend of 3 months i'm bi

i was planning on telling him earlier but i didn't end up doing that

i was planning on telling him earlier but i didn't end up doing that

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open up the door

haha ok baby

"ugh hi baby! i missed you!" lou said as he flopped on my couch

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"ugh hi baby! i missed you!" lou said as he flopped on my couch

he laid his head on my lap, i started playing with his soft hair

i knew i had to tell him so i just got straight to the point

"i have to tell you something!" i blurted out

louis sat up "umm ok and what is that?" he asked

"you may not love me after and yk that's ok-" i said but got cut off

"y/n calm down.. just tell me." louis said

i took a deep breath and said "i'm bi, meaning i like boys and girls.."

he looked at me "that's it?" he asked

"well yeah.." i said

"oh, whatever.. i don't care if you like boys or girls or both or neither who cares, its all love.." he said

"wait are you still mine tho??" he asked sadly

i let out a small laugh "yes baby, yes i am" i said to him

"good! at first i thought you were going to break up with me!" he said

he laid his head back on my lap "i'm going to sleep peace out😚✌️" louis said

"haha ok baby!" i said

before louis went to sleep he said "i like that your bi, it makes me feel safer!"

"that's good baby, i love you." i replied

"i love you too darling" he said then going to sleep
have a good day everyone❤️

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