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warnings: none
word count: 220 words

check the conversation chat (on my account)
it's just a question, a simple yes or no
y/n's pov:
today was the only day louis was off from filming

shortcheck the conversation chat (on my account)it's just a question, a simple yes or no—————y/n's pov: today was the only day louis was off from filming

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"come here baby!" louis called me over

i ran over with my board, no one else was at the skatepark so it was just us which is kinda fun

louis grabbed my board and put it on the ground which made me confused, he picked me up

"louis!" i said laughing, "i love you baby." louis said kissing my lips

he pulled away and saw my smile which       made him smile too

"i love you too louis" i replied back

"i'm sorry i can't spend more time with you.." he said feeling guilty

i ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his lips

"baby, you don't need to be sorry. you're making many people very happy. and many more people are falling in love with you thats not me.." i said to him

he let out a small laugh at the end

"i wish i could spend more time with you!" louis whined hugging me tighter

"i know me too, but your doing very good things.." i replied

the night ended with louis and i talking filming, life and food

ngl i take being called gay as a complement. low-key gay people are the best

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