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warnings: bad talk about your body, talk about eating disorders⚠️
    word count:784 words

no ones pov:
y/n stood on the cold bathroom floor in front of the mirror.

she looked at her reflection, staring at all of her imperfections.

in the girls eyes she thought she was ugly, she didn't see what everyone else saw

y/n had a boyfriend, his name is louis partridge. yes the famous louis partridge.

in his eyes he saw a very pretty girl. he didn't see what y/n saw

y/n stood there running her hands across her stretch marks, she ran her fingers across her stomach where she think she could lose weight

tears slowly came down her cheeks, they ran down her face like raindrops on a car window

she slowly but gently wiped her the tears off and dressed herself again.

she washed her face, to make sure louis wouldn't see she was upset.

louis knew y/n wasn't the one to share what she felt. y/n knew it wasn't healthy but she did it anyways

⚠️talk about eating disorders!

y/n walked downstairs, feeling like a walking corpse.

she walked to the kitchen and saw her leftover food from the night before sitting on the marble counter top

y/n grabbed the small box and threw it away, she felt as if she shouldn't eat.

the young girl thought to get skinny she wouldn't eat.

y/n grabbed a water bottle and went back upstairs

she closed the gray blinds and turned the tv on her room. she turned on 'corpse husband'

one thing y/n was good at was playing among us.

after a few hours, y/n heard the door open.

she knew it was louis because a few minutes ago he texted her telling his girlfriend that he was almost at her house

y/n pulled the blanket over her covering her stomach

louis entered the room "hi baby!" he said cheerfully

y/n knew she had to act happy to not bring his mood down. so that's what she did

she put a bright smile on her face and said "hi louis! how was your day?"

louis felt happy knowing his girlfriend was smiling

"it was good! thank you for asking, how was yours?" he asked laying next to her

"that's good, my day was just like every other day. the same" y/n said letting out a small laugh

"what are you doing?" louis asked laying his head on y/n's stomach

y/n looked down at him nervous but not showing it

"watching corpse husband.." she replied getting even more insecure that her boyfriend was laying his head on her stomach

"of course, were you playing among us?" louis asked knowing the answer

the girl nodded her head, louis sensed something was off about his girlfriend

she would always talk alot when he came home or would kiss and cuddle him but she didn't

"is something wrong y/n?" louis asked

y/n stopped all movements on her task in the game

"what no? why would think that?" y/n asked leaving the game to convince her boyfriend she was fine

"you just aren't talkative like you always are, and that usually means something is wrong.." louis responded

louis placed his hands on y/n's stomach in a comforting way

y/n immediately pushed his hands off and stood up

"im gonna go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." y/n said walking to the bathroom

louis grabbed y/n's hand quickly, and pulled her gently to him

he placed his hands on y/n's face, he saw small tears drip down her face.

"y/n baby, what's wrong?" he asked

"louis, it's fine. it really is." y/n whined not wanting to tell him

"y/n....please tell me what's wrong?" louis said then kissing her forehead

"i'm not pretty louis, do you see millie (talking about his bsf not sister) she is so pretty, she's skinny louis. she doesn't have stretch marks. i do. i'm not pretty louis." y/n explained crying

louis wiped y/n's tears "y/n you are very pretty, i literally love your stretch marks. and y/n who cares how much you weight. y/n darling you are so so pretty. like it's beyond me how pretty you are." louis explained to his sensitive girlfriend

  "t-thank you l-louis, i love you so much." y/n said hugging her boyfriend

louis lifted y/n's chin and kissed her gently

"you're beautiful."

idk why but a lot of people dmed me asking if i was straight or not.

i'm straight everyone, ik it's sad🤢

update on this^^:
i'm not straight.

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