a pregnant argument

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warnings: minor yelling
request: @no_feet_pics_ok
pro-nouns used: she/her
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your 16 in this
- this is with millie bb not millie partridge

p a r t r i d g e.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Y/N AND MILLIE WERE best friends. they've been best friends for a while.

millie picked up her phone calling y/n "hey mi-" y/n started but got cut off

"i need a pregnancy test. but i can't be seen." millie started "can you get me one? your on the low, people won't notice you. please y/n" millie asked

"i'll get you one tomorrow, at around 1." y/n said somewhat unsure "thank you
y/n, really thank you. if my mum saw me getting one she would freak so thank you." millie said

y/n chucked a little "good thing you have me. i'll give it to you tomorrow okay!" y/n said to the phone "okay thank you again y/n" millie said hanging up

⇢ ˗ˏˋ the next day ࿐ྂ

y/n ran her finger across the boxes of the tests trying to find the best ones, she flipped over a few of them reading the backs

y/n grabbed 3 and went up to cashier/ teller and handed them around 21 pounds (or $30)

as y/n was walking out she saw her boyfriend louis "hi baby! what are you doing here?" louis asked "i was just buying a little something!" y/n said not telling louis about the tests for millie

y/n didn't tell louis because it's not her business to tell it's millies..

louis saw the corner of the test, louis knew what it was though. he saw the letters of it

"is that a pregnancy test?" louis whispered yelled "yes, now i have to go. i'll talk to you later louis" y/n said walking away

the store wasn't far away from y/n's house, so louis walked with her "is it justin's?" louis asked. justin was a guy who was obsessed with y/n

and would say anything to make anyone believe that justin and y/n were dating which caused louis to become a little paranoid

"y/n i swear if it justin's i will hurt him i don't care." louis said, y/n started laughing a little bit "i'm not pregnant idiot" y/n said walking into her house with louis

"the tests are mine." millie said taking the bag from y/n's hands

"ohhh..." louis said holding out the 'O'

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
sorry i didn't post for a few days but i'm back!!

 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : sorry i didn't post for a few days but i'm back!!

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