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warnings: none
word count: 529 words

y/n's pov:
i was with one of my friends River when i got a phone call from louis

————y/n's pov:i was with one of my friends River when i got a phone call from louis

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"yes louis?"

"when are you coming home?"

"i don't know soon, i'm with river so.."

"why are with r-river?"

"he's my friend baby, i have to go but i'll see you soon ok?"

"ok, i love you."

"i love you too louis."
y/n's pov:
and with that i hung up, i knew louis was jealous

he never really liked River, i have no idea why.

one thing he didn't know was that river was gay, i forgot to tell him

"hey wanna go? louis's jealous again.." i said playfully rolling my eyes

"haha ya, ben and i are having movie night tonight so you know what that means.." he said winking at at me

i let out a laugh as we walked out of the mall

*time skip*

y/n's pov:
i got out of rivers car and walked up to the front door

i grabbed my key out of my purse and unlocked the front door, i turned around and waved at river

i walked inside the house, shut the door behind me and locked the door

"louis!?" i yelled wondering where he was

i took my jacket and shoes off

i looked up to louis running down the stairs, "hi baby!" he said cheerfully

"hi baby! how was your day?" i asked him as i grabbed his hand and sat down on the couch

he sat down next to me "it was bad!" he said groaning

"what? why?" i asked "i didn't see you like at all!" he said pouting

"aww i'm sorry, i bought some stuff tho!" i said making louis look at the door where my 5 bags were

"how was river?" he asked me in a annoyed tone

"he was good, he bought some stuff too. he bought me a candle!" i said

"of course he did." louis said quietly

"what's wrong baby?" i asked him as i ran my fingers through his hair

"it's him, he's always with you." louis said looking at me

"are you jealous?" i said now sitting his lap

"what? no!" he said sounding offended

i placed a kiss on his cheek and continued with playing with his hair

"lou, he's gay. so he doesn't find me attractive, river also has a boyfriend who's with him right now." i explained looking at louis's eyes

"hold up- what?" he said, i nodded my head "he's gay my love." i said placing a kiss on his lips

"i feel dumb." he whined

"your not dumb lou, i forgot to tell you and even if he wasn't gay. i still would only find you attractive. i like everything about you, i like your laugh, your smile, your eyes, and your extremely hot accent." i said smiling

louis hid his face in my neck "stop your making me blush.."

"i love you so much lou." i said kissing his head

"i love you too darling." he said taking his head out of my neck and kissing me

umm louis is very handsome🙄

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