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request: @twothedgo
warnings: none
word count: 1090 words
long - i changed it a little bit

- the Partridge's got stuck in *your home town* and now are staying at your house

- louis and y/n don't get along but have to spend christmas together!

- christmas with 2 mixed together..

- what will happen?
will it be all cute and fluffy or annoying and a bad holidays?

scroll down to see...

no ones pov:
"thank you again for letting us all stay here at such a crazy time!" louis's mom thanked

"oh it's nothing, i'm surprised you guys are traveling!" y/n's mom responded

louis started at y/n in awe, louis always a kept a stern look on his face when it came to y/n

even though!

he always thought y/n was the world's prettiest person, she was perfect in his eyes

but what he showed was a scowled face, and when they did talk louis kept it short

he looked at y/n and rolled his eyes

"you guys can put all of the presents under the tree and then i will show you where you are sleeping!" y/n's mom said

mrs. partridge put all of the presents and followed mrs. y/L/n

"god your so annoying y/n." louis whispered

"well i could say the same to your annoying ass." y/n whispered back

"millie and issie have there own room and louis can pick." y/n's mom said as millie and issie ran to their rooms they are staying in

"what are my choices?" louis asked

"well.. choice 1 you can sleep in the same room as millie or choice 2 sleep in the same room as y/n.." y/n's mom said laying out all of the choices

"y/n has 2 beds in her room and all of the other rooms and full of things from when we moved decorations to put up the christmas ones." y/n's mom said

louis looked at y/n and said "i'll sleep in y/n's room."

y/n turned around and rolled her eyes "show him your room." y/n's dad said

"umm here it is." y/n said as louis walked in

"that's your bed, so we will be somewhat far away from each other." y/n said pointing to the bed across her room

"and here's my bathroom so you can put some of your stuff here too." y/n said

y/l/n house:

y/l/n house:

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