some space

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warnings: none
request: @luvlimelighttt
pro-nouns used: she/her
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p a r t r i d g e.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

louis just came home from filming *movie* but lately he's been more annoyed about small things. like the other day when he was pouring some water and a little water spilt on the counter.

but y/n made him even more annoyed by what she was doing. most people wouldn't find what she was doing annoying but he did

since louis came back and hasn't been with y/n for around 2 months. y/n began to become starve touched so when louis did come back she wanted hugs

y/n was a person of affection, her love language was touch. louis's however wasn't... his was more talking or writing

a overwhelming feeling ran over louis's body. he felt like y/n was being clingy. no one has hugged louis the way y/n did in a while

y/n brought herself to louis's room but stopped when she heard 4 words.. "y/n's being kinda clingy.." louis said to one of his friends

y/n immediately let the house. louis heard a door close but he just assumed it was his sisters

 louis heard a door close but he just assumed it was his sisters

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louis thought it was weird y/n didn't respond she usually did...

the next day louis tried to text y/n but again she didn't respond

around 2 weeks have passed, y/n decided maybe she was being a little clingy and she could see that so she gave louis some space

  space louis didn't want, he wanted a little space but not this much

"ouch!" issie said falling off her skateboard

"louis!!" millie yelled waving her hand at louis, "yes?" louis responds walking over to millie

"it's y/n!" millie said pointing over at y/n and her little cousin

louis's eyes widened and he looked over to see her actually there.

louis ran over to where y/n was, "hi!" louis said happily

"hi louis." y/n said helping her toddler cousin put his shoes back on

"well why haven't you been answering me?" he asked, "i mean i don't need to but is something wrong?" y/n asked

"no- but i just wanna know why you haven't been responding to me" louis said "i'm giving you space, remember a few weeks ago when you said i was clingy...?" y/n asked

"ehh i was kinda clingy i'm giving you some space" y/n said

"well i don't want it so how about you start talking to me again !!" louis said

louis hugged y/n "i love you!!" louis said in a teasing tone


𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
did this finally post???

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