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request: nannakm

i changed it a little bit
warnings: none
   word count:791 words

ugh i have school🤢
no ones pov:
y/n currently has been trying to get louis's attention for the past 2 hours

"louis!" y/n whined, he looked down at her and then went back to playing his game

y/n let out a frustrated groan, which made louis smirk.

the girl walked over to his bed and started reading the book on his nightstand

after a few minutes, she decided she didn't like the book so y/n put the book down

she grabbed her phone and went on tik tok

after a few minutes of scrolling, she found a tik tok trend of a girl going on her boyfriends lap to see how he would react

she really wanted to do that now, y/n quietly got up and set up the phone on a ledge

she walked over to louis and sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her and continued playing his game

he still didn't pay any attention to her, y/n got up and grabbed her phone

she walked out his room "i'm going to millie's room!" she told her boyfriend

she walked out of the door and walked to his sisters room

  y/n placed a soft knock on her door

millie ran to her door knowing who was at her door

"finally! i got you instead of louis!" millie said grabbing y/n into her room

millie and y/n were best friends before louis and y/n started dating.

y/n let out a small laugh "your brother is kinda boring.." y/n said making millie laugh

"omg (i apologize if that offends anyone❤️) there is this really cute boy at my school !" millie said

"what does he look like?" y/n said

millie showed y/n a picture "he's in all of my classes and he always talks to me, but idk what if he only wants me to be friends with louis?" millie said getting sad

"millie your a great person and a great friend, and he seems interested. wait you guys should hang out!!" y/n said making millie happy

millie got up and grabbed some paper and pen and wrote all of their ideas down

after a hour louis got lonely and wanted his girlfriend

he walked to his sisters rooms and just walked in

"louis knock!" millie yelled

"sorry, but can i have my girlfriend back?" louis asked

"umm i guess, ask your mom if we can have a sleepover tomorrow ok?" millie said reminding y/n

"i'll ask her right now!" y/n said grabbing her phone

"you guys are having a sleepover?" louis asked

"yea! your always with y/n, it's my turn now!" millie said

"remember lou, she was my best friend first, your girlfriend second.." millie continued

"yea yea, well she's my girlfriend and i'm going to take her back with me to MY ROOM." louis said to his sister

"my mom said yes!" y/n said, making millie happy but louis a little annoyed sense his girlfriend will be in his house but spending time with his sister

louis brought his girlfriend back to his room

"can we cuddle?" louis asked in his cute accent

"of course baby.." y/n replied

louis and y/n both got into bed and cuddled each other

"your really having a sleepover with my sister..." louis said getting annoyed

"yes, why are you so annoyed?" y/n asked confused

"your gonna be in my house and you won't be even with me, you'll be with millie.." louis said placing his head into your neck

y/n started playing with his hair "louis, i'm always with you. i'm never with millie anymore, baby she was my best friend first she's right about that. me and millie need to spend more time together, and i know your not gonna like that.." she explained

"it's fine i guess, your right. you need to spend more time with millie.. will you atleast give me my goodnight kiss tomorrow still?" he asked

"of course baby, i have to go home tho.." y/n said getting up

"ok bye baby, i love you." he said placing a kiss on y/n's lips

"i love you too, i will come and see you a little bit before i go to millies room tom ok?" y/n asked

louis nodded his head

y/n walked out of the room and went to millies room

"bye mills! i'll see you tomorrow ok?" y/n said to millies door

millie opened up her door

"oo ok! bye best friend!!" millie said to    y/n

this is my longest one so far!

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