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request: @mikaelapartridge
warnings: it's short
word count: 366 words

request: @mikaelapartridge warnings: it's short    word count: 366 words

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- i'm not good with writing about someone being pregnant

no ones pov:
"your pregnant?" louis asked looking at y/n

"no, i just have sperm cells in my body!" y/n said jokingly

"there's abortion.." louis said
y/n clapped her hands together "yea! that's one option!"

y/n and louis were currently writing down their ideas on having a child

1. were they ready?
2. do they have the money?

they were writing the money part down, the options if they couldn't have the child yet

"there adoption, if you do give birth to the child. someone can adopt the child when it's born.." louis said

"louis are we even ready to have a child let alone do that?" y/n asked

"your *age* and i'm 17 so.. idk, we have the money part good but now it's just actually being ready for the child.." louis said not really helping

"that wasn't helpful, i need a yes or no." y/n said

"i think yes but i'm not the one giving birth, it's you" louis said

"the only thing i know about children in people is that sperm cells are included." louis said not making sense

y/n looked at louis like he was crazy

"what?" y/n said confused

louis shook his head "forget about that, is your body ready to have a child?" louis asked

"i'm *age* im pretty sure i know what i'm doing." y/n said

*time skip - you're giving birth*

"i don't know what i'm doing!!" y/n said as she held louis's hand

"just one more push!" the doctor person said

y/n pushed once more and then a cry was let out by the fragile baby

"and are you ready to hear the gender?" the doctor asked

louis and y/n wanted the gender to be a surprise

the couple nodded their heads

"right now it's a boy but who knows what's going to go on in the future.." the doctor said referring to non-binary and trans people

the couple lived happy with their child, they lived in a beautiful house filled with beautiful paintings...

trans right! 🏳️‍⚧️

—————notes:trans right! 🏳️‍⚧️

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