The guard tower

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Chapter Twelve

I woke up in Carl's bed alone. I looked around the room confused, it looked around evening time, and there was blood on the floor of the cell. Suddenly I remembered the events from earlier and began to shake. I just wanted Carl. "C-Carl..?" I stuttered quietly, Carl arriving at the cell door in seconds. "I'm here" he said softly, sitting down next to me on the bed, rubbing circles on my back, making me feel a lot calmer.
"I'll be fine Carl, I was just worried. Where is everyone?"
"In the main block having dinner, you hungry?"
"Never thought I'd be turning down food but I'm not ready to go down there"
Carl chuckled slightly before saying, "well if you want, we can go to the guard tower and talk, it's our shift soon anyway, I'm sure Maggie and Glenn wont mind finishing early"
"Sure" I agreed. Carl grabbed 2 pillows and a blanket from the bed and led me to the guard tower.
"So is he still know um Daniel? D-Does Daryl know?" I asked nervously whilst following Carl towards the guard tower.
"Yes, unfortunately. He's still unconscious, we're just waiting for him to wake up and he'll be gone. The sooner that bastard's gone the better. Daryl still doesn't know a thing yet, but he seems suspicious, he ain't stupid, he looks like he can tell when somethin's up. I can tell he wont be very happy when he finds out we didn't tell him as soon as it happened"
I bit my fingernails as we approached the stairs of the guard tower, ready to climb up but Carl quickly grabbed my hand, "look, don't worry about it, we'll take watch for an hour and just chill, everything should be sorted out by the time we're finished, you'll be safe up here with me" Carl stared into my eyes lovingly and I could tell he was being honest. I nodded and smiled ever so slightly, before continuing to walk up the stairs. I opened the door to see Maggie and Glenn getting ready to leave. They smiled at us.
"You guys are up here early, pretty eager aren't we?" Glenn said with a smirk. I knew exactly what he was suggesting. "And what do we plan on doing with all those pillows and blankets there? Maggie and I have some blankets already up here-" he was cut off by an elbow to the ribs by Maggie, I couldn't help but giggle as Glenn yelled "ow!"
"Leave 'em alone, I'm sure they wont be doing anything like that, and i'm also sure they don't wanna know about life" Maggie defended us and flashed a small smile in my direction. "Okay then, you two kids have fun, but just remember, we're always watching" Glenn said pretending to act like a father but failing as he just ended up looking stupid. I loved Glenn, he was like another brother to me, even though he liked to tease me a lot (mainly about Carl) , he looked after me and cared for me like Daryl did. I felt Carls hand placed on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts and turned around to see the blankets and pillows set up like a fort, my eyes instantly lit up and I felt like a child again. Carl chuckled and followed me into our fort and we just laid there in a comfortable silence for a bit.
"Thank you Carl"
"Thanks for what?"
"For everything you did today: protecting me, comforting me, building this awesome blanket fort.."
Carl smirked at that last comment, "I knew the fort would work" he said before snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me closer towards him, my cheeks warming instantly.
"I'll make sure no guy ever touches you again, okay? You're safe with me and i'm not ever letting you go" he whispered, tipping my chin so my lips were only inches away from his.
"Good" I smiled and planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.

Dixon's Sister~ A Carl Grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now