Caring is an understatement

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Chapter eleven

"Carl please! Stop! You're gonna kill him!" I screamed, not caring that my tears were now freely falling from my eyes. I was curled up on the floor where I was dropped and was watching Carl as he repeatedly punched Daniel in the face, his face showing nothing but pure rage. Carl had pinned Daniel's broken and bloody form to the floor and was ready to throw another punch when he turned to look at me. His face straight away fell and I could see the hurt in his eyes. He dropped Daniel on the floor and came towards me, but I just whimpered, turning away from him whilst wiping away my tears.

"Aleah please don't be afraid.." He said putting a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch. This was a side to Carl I had never seen before, I get that he was just trying to protect me but he was just so..violent. He bent down to pick me up and I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he wasn't having it. He picked me up and carried me to the bed bridal style. His sudden attack on Daniel may have frightened me, but I couldn't deny how safe I felt in his strong arms. He sat me down on the bed and climbed in with me, pulling the covers over us. I hesitated for a moment before laying my head on Carl's chest, crying into his shirt. "shhh it'll all be okay babe" he cooed, stroking my hair.

"What's going on in here!?" Rick asked. He looked over to Daniel's beaten-up state and then to me crying on Carl's shoulder.

"Why don't you ask the dickhead himself?" Carl growled at his father.

"How can I ask him- the boy aint even moving! Someone explain what happened here!" Rick ordered. Carl looked down at his bloody fists and didn't respond.

"H-he said he.. he aint been in the same room as a.. a pretty girl in a while and.. he tried to kiss me b-but I didn't wanna and he said.. he said I was gonna pay for it and he er.. he started to t-touch me and.." I tried to continue but I knew I was gonna burst into tears if I did. Rick didn't press for anymore details though, I guess he had heard enough.

"I was looking round for Aleah and found him with her.. I didn't like the way he was touchin' her dad, not even the way he was lookin' at her at the gate.. Like she was some sorta meal or somethin. It just made me angry seeing her pinned against that wall and I just.. took matters into my own hands. I know I shouldn't have and I'm sorry, I should have called you instead.." Carl explained.

"No. Don't be sorry. If you weren't there to protect her I don't know how far.." Rick paused. "I would have done the same. You stay here with Aleah, have some rest, I'll get Hershel to patch him up and then I'll send him on his way. I'll explain the situation to Daryl once he'd outta the building so Daryl won't go snapping his neck. Look after her" Rick said sternly before lifting Daniel to his feet and pushing him out the cell and shutting the door behind him.

"Thank you Carl.." I started but he stopped me.

"Shhh, don't need to thank me, it's my job to protect those I care about, now go get some rest, I ain't going anywhere" he whispered reassuringly, turning me onto my side and reaching his arm around my waist, pulling us close, his lips pressed against my neck.



"You said you cared about me, did ya really mean it?"

I could feel Carl chuckling behind me, "Caring is an understatement"

Dixon's Sister~ A Carl Grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now