Perfectly untouched

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Chapter two

I had no idea how long it had been. Minutes? Hours? I had no idea.All I knew is that it was getting dark quickly, and there seemed to be no sign of any survivors in the town. I sighed thinking back to all the times me and Daryl went on a run for alcohol or a pack of cigarettes for our dad just so he wouldn't beat us. We should have left earlier, should've taken our chances out here instead of almost getting ourselves killed by tending to our asshole of a father. Me and Daryl were on the hunt for shelter tonight, we had enough resources from previous trips and we were both too exhausted to go hunting for food. We stayed close, both with our weapons loaded and ready to fire when I came across this small and cosy home that had looked untouched by walkers. I stopped and silently signalled to Daryl that this was the house I wanted to stay in. He looked from the house to me with an uncertain expression, "you sure?" He asked. I quickly nodded in agreement and we both tiptoed up the front steps of the porch, careful not to wake any dead. Daryl looked at me and I nodded once again before he ran into the door with full force, causing it to open and reveal a clean home. I looked to my brother smiling, proud that I managed to find a house as perfectly untouched as this one. Daryl began pushing the sofa in front of the door to barricade it closed whilst I searched the kitchen drawers, hoping to find something edible or useful. I smiled when I found a collection of throwing knives and slipped them into my back pockets, handing one to Daryl. He chuckled as he inspected the knives in his hands, "a true beauty ain't she? Gonna kick a load of Walker ass with these" he whispered. This caused me to laugh loudly before I remembered I was meant to be keeping quiet. My brother glared at me quickly and turned back to the living room, where he had set a blanket and two pillows on the sofa.
"Why we sleeping down here? there are perfectly good rooms upstairs?" I asked.
"You're not leaving my sight. Treat it like it's one of those girly sleepovers or whatever. Tomorrow we're heading out early to grab whatever we can, we never know what we might need in future, and our current supplies ain't gonna last forever. Then we're gonna come back to this place, may not be home but it's safe. You okay little sis?"
"Yeah" I said now curled up on the sofa, "just need a little time to think that's all, it's a lot to take in and I'm not sure if I can adapt to this kinda world. I'm scared Daryl"
My brother joined me on the sofa and put an arm around me, "well you're gonna need to learn how to adapt and fast. Don't you be scared either, I ain't ever letting anything touch you as long as I'm alive and I plan on being alive for a very long time- we're Dixon's and we're gonna get through this"
"Thanks Daryl" I whispered before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Dixon's Sister~ A Carl Grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now