Tomato soup

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Chapter nine

We arrived back at the prison after about half an hour of walking. We got to the fence and Carol and Tyreese were quick to open it up and lock it behind us, relief flooding their faces.
"Where were you two!? We were all worried sick! You can't just go running off with eachother in the forest like that!" Carol lectured us. Carl turned a deep shade of pink once he realised what Carol had assumed we were doing, I had to hold back my laughter. "uh w-we were just.. um we weren't like.. ugh help me out please" I could hear Glenn and Rick laughing behind us before I explained, "We went out looking for the group, it was late and we were worried, we should have asked you but you'd have said no". Carol just sighed before saying, "well dinner's cold and everyone's asleep, you still hungry?" Me and Carl nodded but all the adults seemed to be too exhausted to eat.
"Looks like it's just us two then" Carl said to me whilst sitting in the seat across from mine, handing me a bowl of tomato soup. I took it gratefully and nodded. We began sipping our soup in silence.
"So what d'ya think of the prison?" Carl asked me.
"I like it here, Rick's done a good job. How long you been here for?"
"Almost a year now, gets kinda boring, but I'm glad i've now got someone I can talk to.."
"Who says I'd wanna talk to you?" I smirked. Carl looked to me for a second and then a playful grin stretched across his face and he returned his hands to my waist and began tickling me again. This time I didn't hold back my uncontrollable fits of laughter as I fell to the floor. Carl still didn't stop though.
"Okay.. You.. win!" I said in between giggles.
"You two keep it down in there!" We heard Glenn yell from upstairs, this just making us laugh even more. Carl stood up proudly and stretched his hand out for me which I accepted. He lifted me onto my feet and into his arms, causing me to yelp quitely. He held me from behind and swayed me side to side gently for a bit, humming a soft tune that I didn't recognise. I felt these little butterflies in my stomach and could feel my cheeks getting warmer again.
"Carl what are you doing?"
"Shh.. c'mon let's go, I need to show you somethin"
He took my hand and lead me upstairs eagerly, he took me into a boys room, filled with comic books and pictures. There were two beds in the room but it looked like only one was being used as well as a wall that had quotes carved onto it, only few that I recognised.
"Like my room? you can stay here for the night.." he said looking up at me pleadingly, as if trying to resemble a puppy. I laughed at him and smacked his shoulder.
"I love it, and I would stay but Daryl will wonder where I am.."
"He's asleep-you'll be fine. You can stay in the other bed. Just for tonight? I already know I wont be able to sleep, and it'd be nice having someone to talk to.."
"Fine" I said rolling my eyes playfully, he smiled this adorable smile at me, "but next time, at least wait a few nights before you try and get to get someone to sleep with you" I winked and we both collapsed on the bed, laughing quitely.

Dixon's Sister~ A Carl Grimes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now