Unusual convo

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Zak's Pov:

I clicked upload, exited my editing software, and checked the time. 8 pm. Too late to start another video but too early to go to bed. Hmmm... 


Huh? Unusual, someone texted me.

Darryl: Hey is this a business number? 2:14pm

Darryl: I just wanted to ask if you changed the muffin recipe, it tasted different this time (in a good way lol). 8:03pm

Oh it was that guy from earlier... HE TEXTED ME EARLIER TODAY AND I MISSED IT!!!        

Wait why am I panicking so much? I can just text him back now... Weeellllllll not *now* but in a few seconds. 




Zak: Well not really. It's my personal number, but I kinda work here undefinetly (It's my family's business). I was the cashier that served you earlier. 8:06pm

I typed in "And ye it's a new recipe. I helped my mom make it XD" then I realized I shouldn't use my gaming text format lol.

Zak: And yeah, it was a new recipe. I helped my mother make it :). 8:07pm

Darryl: Wait really? You're so good at baking. 8:08pm

Woah that was kinda fast, but at least I don't have to worry as much about time now.

Zak: Oh thanks, but my parents are the ones who usually bake for the business. 8:010pm

Darryl: Well I'm sure you're just as good :). 8:11pm

Zak: I'm not too sure about that. 8:13pm

Darryl: Aww no I bet you're your mother's son. 8:13pm

Oh now i'm just coming off as insecure :/. My mom is just *really* good a baking.

Zak: Ok, I'll make you a muffin next time you come around to let you be the judge of that. 8:15pm

Darryl: Wait really??? 8:15pm

Zak: Sure, I kinda have to now lol. 8:17pm

Zak: But don't be too upset when you find out the bakery burnt down lmao 8:18pm

Darryl: Haha I'm sure that won't happen. 8:20pm

Zak: You'd be surprised, when I was younger I almost started a fire when making frosting. (Don't ask how) 8:22pm

Darryl: H- well tha's when you were younger 8:24pm

Well he's got a point there, I haven't done that bad in recent times. 

Zak: True I'm sure I'm not *as* bad by now lol 8:26pm

Zak: There *was* this  time where it did turn out well-

I talked a bit more about when I've baked, when it went wrong, and when it worked out (the conversation wasn't one sided though). Then he told me a story of his own.

Darryl: You know I've tried to bake before, but it didn't go as well as I planned heheh 8:46pm

Zak: Oh? What was it? 8:48pm

Darryl: Well it was blueberry muffins, but they didn't rise and got burnt -_- 8:49pm

Zak: I could help you if I want 8:49pm

Zak: Sometime in the future maybe 8:49pm

Zak: If that's ok lol 8:49pm

Uh oh why'd I have to text so fast??

Darryl: Really? That would be great!!! Thanks 8:50pm

Darryl: And yeah definitely some time in the near future 8:51pm

Zak: Yeah maybe once you determine if I would be helpful or not when you try my baking. 8:52m

Darryl:  Right, can't wait :))  I'll probably be back there next weekend, same time 8:54pm

Zak: Cool, I'll see you then. 8:55pm

Darryl: See ya :) 8:57pm

I checked the time again and realized I spent around an hour chatting with him. 

"I hope it's as easy to talk with him in real life." I thought as I started to get ready for bed. I  remembered his voice was was kinda nice.

"I hope I don't get shy or something 👉👈 😂" I joked in my head, letting out a chuckle. As I remembered his voice, I got reminded of bbh. I realized his voice reminded me of Darryl's but I couldn't really hear him that well through teamspeak. 

"Wait, am I just getting reminded of his voice because I think it's nice? Now that's kinda sus of me. I should probably stop thinking about it and just go to bed."




"But his voice *was* cute though"

(Word count: 647)

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now