Whatever You Did and Whoever You Are

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Nobody's POV:

"So um," Darryl took a sip of his tea, "what'd you have to tell me, Zak?"

"Well... I wanted to confess something to you" Zak took a breath as he looked Darryl in the eyes.

Darryl heightened his attention as Zak exhaled, thoughts anxiously racing through his mind. 

"I'm sorry but I," Zak started.

"Should I be telling *all* of it to him now? I've already hurt him, even if it was something as trivial as a video game. And I've betrayed his trust too!" Zak thought.

"...I messed up andI'veliedtoyouaboutwhoIam" Zak spouted whilst shutting his eyes, "Look, I panicked and I didn't mean to and-"

"Zak, calm down- Whoever you are and whatever you did, you're still my friend okay? You're still the one who made me muffins, the one who let me stay the night in a rough situation, the one who played truth or dare with me, and even the one who planned a whole fun day just to celebrate my birth." Darryl rested a hand on Zak's shoulder.

"Thanks, b-I mean, Darry" 

The two embraced each other again and Zak continued.

"Okay so, I'm still Zak, but I'm also somebody else you know. You've guessed it before and, once again, I'm sorry I lied. I also recently did something to upset you and I really want to make up for that (and everything) so..." Zak pulled out his laptop and gifts for Darryl's dogs, "do you wanna go back on the server with me, badboyhalo?"

Darryl gasped "Sk-Skeppy? 

"SKEPPY!" Bad repeated in a mix of surprise and slight petty anger.

"I know I know, you must be *soooo* happy to see me ehe..." Skeppy sarcastically said, looking to the side and back, "But really, I am very sorry and I understand if you don't... want.. to know me anymore"

"Huh? Geppyyy of course I do, I *just* said whatever you did or whoever you are." The anger melting off from his words, realizing it didn't really matter.

"Really?" Skeppy asked.

"Really." Bad reassured.

Skeppy let out the breath he didn't know he was holding and gave out a quiet sigh of relief. Of course, Zak hadn't told Darryl *everything*, like his feelings. But he got the lies out of the way. Now he just has to make up for... making Darryl cry.

"Ratsss, come hereeee" Darryl called out for his pets.

The dogs came running up to Bad, ignoring skeppy of course, until he pulled out the gifts for them. Zak handed the dog hat to Darryl to put on Lucy and Zak threw the toy to the other puppy.

"Awww" Darryl emoted after he managed to get the hat on her.

Zak started to play tug of war against the one with the toy and Darryl let Lucy enjoy some quality petting time for a while as he continued to sip his tea. Zak soon ""gave up"" the war to pet them as well, and everything was calm.


"So you said something about the server?" 

"Yeah, I didn't get the chance to tell you before, but we actually kept a backup s-"

"So then buddy?!?" Bad cut Zak off in hope.

"Yup" Zak smiled.

"BUDDYYYYYY!!" Bad celebrated as he darted up to get to his computer.

The dogs started to growl, trying to get attention back from this ""IMPOSTER PET"".

"Haha the dogs are jealouss~" Skeppy remarked to Darryl.

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now