pop off

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Zak's Pov

After playing with bbh for a bit, we both decided to log off, wishing each other a good night and all. I then started to plan for my next video. I spent what feels like hours trying to come up with an idea, but my train of thought kept on drifting to other topics.

Maybe another video with bad boy halo? Would he even *want* to do another video? Also the viewers might get bored if I do a similar video again.

I decided to check how my viewers responded to my last video. 

Oh right, I should check my comments to see if there are any good recommendations too!

Woah look at that like to dislke ratio! ( 👍82k 👎1k)

Then I scrolled down for a while, checking the comments.

Jotaros_alt_mpl_fan_acc: Lol bbh seems so easy to troll

Skeppyhater: I love jif pb <333"

yughyuckpoop69: Bad is kinda stupid ngl,, but you should do another vid w/him lmao

Lol my comment section is the best

Then, while scrolling, I was surprised to see one of the comments was from Badboyhalo.

BadBoyHalo: -_- you're such a muffin top 

Muffin top? wait... he had a channel? And found mine!?!?!?

I was a bit embarrassed for some reason. But anyways, I went to his channel and saw he had no videos. 


I then got a discord notification from bad, what a coincidence.

Bbh: Hey, I watched some of your vids 

Skeppy: oh yea, I saw your comment haha

B: You did?

S: Yea under "BadBoyHalo" like ur ign

B: Yeah I made that channel just today ^^

S: ohhhh so that's why you have no videos lol

B: Yea :/ speaking of I was wondering how to get started making (good) yt videos, so I wanted to ask you :P

Woah I didn't actually think he'd want to make videos, but now that I think about it would be so fun to make videos with him :)))

S:  Oh def I can help you start out!!1!

B:wait really?? thx OoO

I was pretty sure he already had a good enough computer/monitor because he ran a server and all. But for the other stuff I recommended him a good/affordable editing software (like wondershare filmora), OBS for screen recording, and told him I'd lend him one of my old xlr microphones until he made enough to get his own. 

S: Hey what do you want your yt page to look like btw?

B: uhhm idrk, probably something with my mc skin probably :/

S: Wait I think I got an idea

S: What if I get my followers to draw something for u???

If I just tweet out asking for art for bbh (crediting them/promoting them ofc) then he could just pick the art he wants 

B: no you don't have to do that, you're already helping so much 

S: Look I'm just gonna send a tweet and if ppl draw I can't help that hehehhe

B: oh my goodness Skeppy 



B: but I already have one?


S: ok, I think we can probably use some of the art for ur pfp, but how good are you at twitter

B: How can you be bad at twitter?

S: uhhmm I don't think you have to worry about being controversial but uhh, you might not be funny XD

B: Hey! that's rude say sorry

B: I can be funny, how abt I make one and show you

S: sureee

About an hour or two later we got a good amount of replies w/ppl's art and I sent some good ones to bbh's twitter dms.

B: SKEPPY I didn't think you were being serious! and all of this art is so good how can I choose?

I was about to respond but then

B: I think these ones are good, I'll set this one as my pfp 

B: and ofc I'll credit them and send out a tweet thanking them all :3

S: Lmao that was fast, anyways I'll boost you on my twitter and do the same crediting 

S: I'll let you set up your yt bio and stuff, yt kinda walks you through it

B: I know skeppy -_- I've tried to make mc videos on yt before, but they never really did well 

B: so I guess you could say I took a verryy long break 

S: rlly? I could probably give you some tips on making vids if you want

S:  but honestly yea a lot of the time, making it on yt either takes luck or endorsement from those who were lucky ://

S: lemme see some of your videos👀

 B: umm okkkkk

I checked them out from his old yt and honestly they weren't that bad for that time, he could've definitely popped off if he stayed on the yt grind and developed with the times lol. And it wouldn't hurt him to be more energetic sounding like he is now.

I told him any feedback I had, gave him tips on editing, and once all of his account stuff was set up, he asked me a question.

B: What should my first video be?

S: oh anything you want rlly, it could just be an intro to ur channel or a mc challenge r something

B: alright cool :D again thanks so much dude

S: no problem, can't wait to see ur first vid!


Oh right, what was my next vid gonna be?

(Word count: 934)

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now