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Time skip - Months later 

Zak's POV:

"Thank you so much again for letting me stay here Darry, can't believe I finally convinced my mom to give me a break to try and give youtube more effort" I appreciated as I unpacked my last box for my new bedroom.

I couldn't wait to make more videos with him, and something told me that moving in with him would be one of the best decisions I made in my life. Guess I was right.

and I can't wait to get free hugs every daythat is, if he follows up on his promise 🤨🤨

"no problem geppy ^^ you've helped me so much with my channel and it's gonna be nice to have you around more" Bad noted as he got up to embrace me. Looks like he did remember.

"you sure about that? there's no //undo irl you know" I joked.

"Of course you muffin," Darryl lightheartedly remarked, loosening the hug to look me in the eyes, "nobody else I'd rather live with" he beamed.

That smile made my heart skip a beat, which made me promptly tear away to hide my flush.

Man, why does he need to be so charming? 

"Ok, so now that I'm done unboxing my stuff, you wanna play a bit on your server? Maybe make another video with Zelk? Tapl? Vurb?? Puffy???" I suggested whilst looking out the window, noticing the shimmering stars, just slightly visible from the bounds of this city.

"Oh come on Skeppy, we're finally able to stop our (not *that*) long distance and you want to go back to the stuff we can do from wherever? We can make a video with them another time Zakky." Darryl leaned his arms over from the back of my shoulders, blithely whining near my ear.

A/N: their houses aren't *that* far away, but they still had made videos through the internet and not really "together"

"Fineee~," I humorously exaggerated, "what do you wanna do then?" 

"Uhhhhhm," Darryl looked out the window with me, "we could go stargazing? You like the stars right?"

"Yeah, but I don't need to, I already have a star to gaze at right here" is what I would've said if I wanted to mess with him ahaha..

"I mean yeah sure, but we can't see the stars too well from here though." I glanced over at him, grabbing his dangling hands, playfully swinging them around a bit, "unless you want to drive out somewhere with no light pollution, at *this* hour" I suggested, rolling my eyes a little.

"Well, why not? It's not like we have anywhere to be early in the morning." Bad pointed out, raising our hands up to my shoulders, getting ready to let go and walk outside.

"Oh right, I'm not working at the bakery right now lol, but you sure you wanna go?"

"Definitely, I just so happen to have a spot in mind anyways :D" Darryl reassured, taking some steps back to let me face him, "You wanna bring anything?" Bad tilted his head curiously.

"How about some leftover muffins and other stuff for a little picnic?" 

"Ooo that sounds nice, I'll go get a blanket and stuff, you can get those pastries" Darryl said as we set off.


With the "equipment" in my bag, Bad started his car and we pulled out of his driveway on our way to, apparently, this relatively nearby park Darry walks his dogs at sometimes. In his words, not close enough to go *all* of the time, but worth the peace and quiet that greets him whenever he makes the journey. 

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now