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Zak's Pov

I still couldn't believe Darryl's car got stolen, or that he was actually sleeping over. We walked upstairs to my room and I checked the time.

6:30. Oh right, it wasn't that late right now. It's just dark outside.

I glanced over at a Darryl lost in thought. 

I guess right now, the thought of him losing his car is finally setting in.

"Hey, it's not too late right now, do you wanna take me up on that baking offer?" I suggested to Darryl, trying to take his attention away from his car.

"Oh, really?!" He asked me, visibly cheering up. (I felt like he could be happier though).

"Yeah, I mean, we don't have to bake muffins right now. But we can make something to snack on while watching a movie if you want." I proposed, trying to see if he'd react even better.

"That sounds so fun actually!" He said with more soul.

 Wait, why does he sound so familiar?

"Yea I know right?  What movie do you wanna watch?"

"Ok uhhm,  how about a Disney movie?" He asked, trailing off a bit at the end.

Was he embarrassed about liking Disney? I'd say that's kinda cute, but I like Disney movies too.

"Yeah definitely! What about Wall-e?"

"Sure! That one's a wholesome one."

We agreed on and started to make some easy mug cakes.

All we had to do was mix together some hot chocolate mix, an egg, some (gluten free) flour, a small bit of baking powder, some olive oil/butter, and sugar until it reached the consistency of cake batter. I educated Darryl about what each ingredient does for the batter.

"Oh cool, and how'd you know I was gluten free?"

"Wait you're gluten free? I didn't know that, my mom is just alergic to gluten so we don't have any regular flour in the house. Good thing I know now though, for the future."

Wait, why'd I say that like we'd be getting married or something?

I shook off the thought and we continued by putting our batter in mugs and in the microwave for a bit. I was stationed at the microwave, viewing the cakes' progress. As I haven't made these in what seemed like ages, I wanted to make sure I didn't burn them or something like that. After I saw they were done, we took them out and reveled in our creations.

"Woah they actually rised!" Darryl exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I'm glad they didn't rise *too* much. I thought I mixed in too much baking powder for a second" I added on.

The cakes turned out nice and spongey, and we scooped some ice cream on top for the classic combination. 

"Some would say baking with a microwave was sacrilegious. But they're the ones not having fast and yummy mug cakes" I joked to Darryl, flashing him a smile.

"That *is* true though" He laughed, playing along.

We made our way, with our mugs in hand, up to my room where I pulled up the movie on my laptop. 

"Wait, can we eat these before we start the movie? I just think that snacks only distract from the story." Darryl asked.

"Oh sure, you're the guest haha, what do you want to do in the mean time?"

"How about we play some sort of game, to make it a true sleep over experience? Like truth or dare or something?"

"Yeah that'd be fun, who's first?" I answered with a chuckle. I thought *I* was the childish one.

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now