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*knock knock knock*

"Honeyyyy wakeup, I don't want you to waste the day sleeping." my mom told me.

"Okayyyyy," I said as I woke up. 

"What should I do today?"I wondered as I got ready for the day.

I then remembered I promised Darryl to bake for him. I should probably practice since I haven't really baked in around a week, let alone without supervision. 

"Hey moooommm?? Can I bake today?"

"Sure sweetie let me just clean somethings up,"

"Nah don't worry about that, I can do that"

"Oh thank you Zakie, do you need any help?"

"No, I think I can bake by myself today, thanks though"

"Wow, you're growing up soo fast, you're going to take over my business one day." 

"Mom you know I don't want to do that."

"I know, I know, just teasing silly."

My mother was always the best, but sometimes she just didn't take me seriously and worried about me like I was a child. I made good money on youtube, but she didn't see it as a real job and kinda babied me. Though I couldn't complain too much, better there for me too much than barely at all. I just needed to take my own initiative more and make her stop worrying about me.

"Maybe I should move out soon." I pondered to myself.

I went to the kitchen, cleaned it up a bit, took out the baking supplies, found the recipe, and got to work. First, I needed to (wash my hands of course and) preheat the oven to 350F/170C. Then I mixed together my dry ingredients (gluten-free flour, baking powder to help it rise, sugar to make it sweet, and some salt to even it out). My family's business always bakes gluten free because my mom is allergic. Then I got my electric mixer and mixed in the wet ingredients (milk to moisten the batter, eggs to prevent crumbling/give structure, and butter to make the muffins fluffy and flavorful). After that, I folded in the chocolate chips with a spatula to not overmix the batter. I then prepared the muffin cups in the correct baking sheet, poured the batter in, and put them in the oven for 17-ish minutes. 

//AN:(Here is the recipe I based this off , but with it being gluten-free, more eggs would need to be added to replace the structure gluten gives to the baked good and less milk should be added to make the batter not too liquidy).//

I checked on the muffins a bit throughout, just to make sure I wouldn't start a fire again 🤣. Once the time was up I tested them with a toothpick to make sure they were done and I pulled them out of the oven with my baking mittens to let them cool. 

"Wow, I think I actually did a good job baking by myself for once!" I marveled as I looked at my creations.

I cleaned up any mess I made and once they cooled down enough, I taste-tested it...

"Eww!!" I said after I spit it out.

"I added salt instead of sugarrr!! T-T" I complained defeatedly.

It took me around 2 hours to bake those and clean up, so I just decided I would bake them again a day before Darryl comes back (Saturday). I was sure I wouldn't make that mistake again and I didn't want to waste more ingredients😅. 

"At least I *hope* it doesn't turn out like this again..." I sighed.

I was about to tell my mother about it, but I realized I should probably just deal with it myself and stop relying on her so much. So went to play Minecraft to cheer myself up and remembered I could go on bbh's server. 

"Maybe I could troll him some more haha," I thought to myself, "but I don't really want to make another video right now, so maybe not :/."

I logged on (without any trolling intent) and went through my mod trial. I joined a game to see if there were any hackers/looking out for bullying so I could actually pass the trial. If I did, I would get more chances to troll in the future heehee.

*User joined your channel*

"Hey Skeppy! I saw you were on and wanted to check if you were creating and mischief/chaos" bbh asked suspiciously.

"Nah," I responded a bit out of it. "I'm just going through my mod trial, you don't have to worry."

"Oh, that's nice, and a bit out of character to be honest haha, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm good, I just messed up on something today, but it's okay."

"Aw, well whatever it was I'm sure you can try again and do better."

Wow, why is he so nice to me? I kind of thought after I trolled him, he'd just be annoyed at me like others were when I trolled them.

"Oh thanks, bad," I said lightening up, "You wanna play with me?"

"Sure :)" 

(Word count: 832)

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now