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(if you can't tell, this is a quick oneshot I rushed at 2 am in this story's universe lmao)

Darryl pov:

I woke up to my phone blaring a certain tune.

"-till the very end-end, I wanna take you for a ride, you'll be bonnie ill be-"

"ghdshhello?" I groggily picked up.

"Hey, Darryyy~ guess what?"

"What Zakk?" I asked unknowingly.

"I'm at your front door lemme in!"

"wait-WHAT when did I give you my addr- oh right (story convenience)... but why are you here??"

"I'll tell you once you lemme in~"

"hrmmgh fine -__-"


"no you hang up first" skeppy teased.

"alright cya"

why is Zak here at-

I glanced at the time.

Oh, it's actually not that early, I just slept in because of my late grocery run last night :/

"Alright, Zak what do you-" I tried to ask as I opened the door, getting bombarded with..?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARRYYY!!!!!" Zak yelled while jumping for a sudden hug.

"WAIT IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY?" I asked as I let go of the embrace.

"you forgot?!? LMAOO even I remembered, and you only told me once in that truth or dare game" Zak explained.

"look Zak, it just wasn't something  to be celebrated in my family ok?"

"WHAT??? that's so sad ToT Let me tell you now- that family tradition isn't going to happen on my watch! I('ve only now) made some plans, just in case something like this would happen"

"wait but I have plans today" I lied to try and get out of this situation.

"I'm sure whoever you have plans with will understand it's your birthday heheh, anyways let's go!"

"WAIT- I'm not even in regular clothes!"

"ok, then HURRY!! and bring Lucyyy"


Skeppy pov:

Alright, plans for the day: go to the dog park with him, bake birthday cake with him, play games in between, and sing happy birthday!

"Darryl are you ready yet?" I playfully whined.

"Yeah one secondddd" 

I explained to Darryl what the plan could be for the day and he actually seemed to like it (for the most part). He just didn't want to go to the dog park, and instead suggested a simple dog walk.

"I'm just not good with crowds ok??? -_-"

"Of course! Whatever you want birthday boyyy" I joked.

Honestly, I didn't think he would take too kindly to me showing up unannounced to his house to hijack his day, especially since he didn't pick up any of my calls before hehe. So this turned out better than expected!

//An: Didn't pick up because he was knocked out cold and sleep-deprived lmao

We set off for the walk and just talked about any interesting tidbit of our lives until Darryl asked a seemingly reoccurring question of his.

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now