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Nobody's Pov:

"So Rat Junior, that's how your father and I met <3."

Of course, Rat jr. couldn't respond (or even comprehend the story), but Zak and Darryl didn't mind the reminiscing in the slightest. After all, these things didn't happen all *that* long ago.

But it was a long time enough for Zak to have a certain little surprise for Darryl later that day.

"Hey, why don't we take a little walk?"

"But I wanna play with Rat jr. for longerrrr..." Bad slightly whined, giving Skeppy the saddest face he could muster.

"Fine, we can take her with us," Skeppy compromised, giving Bad back his joyful smile.

"Ok Muffin, where to?"

Zak's look then turned into a questioning one, "Wait, only muffin today? No muffin man? Muffin top? Not even Numpty Muffin?"

"Welll, Muffin is short and sweet, just like you, shorty," Darryl giggled.

"Heyyyyyyy >:\\\ *you're* talking?? we're like the same height!!"


"uh-HUHH, we're like an 8th inch off! barely even noticeable!!1!"

Bad and Skeppy eventually made their way out, hand in hand, with their pup after their bitter but playful banter. Zak made sure Darryl brought his computer for some reason unknown to him, and Zak carried his with him too. Bad still didn't know where Skeppy was taking him, but he had an idea from the route they were taking so far.


"Your parent's bakery?"

"Yeah, remember, where we first met?" Skeppy noted sarcastically.

"Oh riighhtt, I thought we were gonna get a treat or something hehe" Bad chuckled.

"You wanna?"

Darryl nodded and they walked up to the bakery, with Rat jr. trotting up with them. Bad tilted his head in confusion whilst entering, "where'd the customers go?" he thought, but didn't bother to voice his question, maybe it was a slow day...

Once inside, to be a lil goofy🤪, Zak put on an apron and went behind the counter.

"Welcome!" He greeted, this time without a stutter, "What can I get for you?"

Playing along, Bad replied, "Hmmmm.... I'll get a cherry muffin this time."

"Oooo, daring, did a certain someone recommend it to you?" Skeppy asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yup!" Darryl grinned.

"Seems they have good taste, oh, by the way, nice voice :D" Zak complimented, *him* then giving the keyboard smile.

"Also, noticed you had a little pet with you there, we offer dog treats now too ya know," Skeppy mentioned, Rat looking up at Darryl, "Want some?"

Bad looked back down at Rat and "Oh, how could I say no to her"

Zak added the treats to the 'order', all free of charge, and started to get it all ready. In the meantime, Darryl gave his much-appreciated attention to Rat. Once Skeppy finished the order, he handed it in a bag to Darryl. He then immediately took some of the dog treats out and fed them to Rat.

"Hey, now that we got the goods, you wanna go play on MunchyMc for a bit?"

Bad replied, "Why not?"

The two got their computers from their bags and went up to Skeppy's room, Zak giddily running up the stairs.

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now