Youtube Buddies

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BBH's Pov:

After I got my usual server duties done with and played with Skeppy, I decided to stop playing Minecraft for today.

"Hmmm what should I do now?" I thought.

I then remembered my chat with mega and how he said Skeppy had a youtube channel. 

It's probably named Skeppy right?

I typed it in my phone's search bar.


I clicked on his latest video (subscribed ofc) and started to recognize what server he was on.

Oh my gosh he *was* trolling me!!! -_-

Despite my annoyance, I continued on with the video and got to see the "behind the scenes" of our call.

Oml that dunderhead, his comments are so muffiny. >-<

After that video, I clicked on the next one... and then the next one... and then the next one... Before I knew it I started binging his videos. I couldn't help it, his videos are just kind of, charming. I feel like I'm getting to know him more through his videos. It was adorable when he'd say "hnya hnya hnya" when he ran out of things to say and when he'd just troll out of nowhere. ALso, it was hilarious when he freaked out over something small heheheh. 

With that thought, I got reminded of earlier that day, when he first heard me use muffin in a sentence. His voice seemed a bit (genuinely) sad for a moment and I didn't know why. 

Did muffins have something to do with what he was upset about earlier?

While I was thinking, I checked the time.

"WOAH did I spend 4 hours binging his videos?!?!?!?" I exclaimed out loud in surprise.

I should start getting ready for bed, it's almost my bedtime. 

I'm trying to be more responsible nowadays, but I guess I lost my responsibility streak with Skeppy's videos. :/ Though, they *were* pretty good videos, and they did really well.

Should I make a  channel too? 

Then a nice thought popped up in my mind.

Maybe we can be youtube buddies! :))))

(Word count: 324)

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now