Muffin day :D

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~Time skip to saturday~

Darryl's Pov:

 at badboyhalo: My first vid is out ^^ hope you enjoy (link) 

             at  homora_from_magica_madoka : yayayyaayayayay :)))

             at Jotaros_alt_mlp_fan_acc: finally!!!1!

             at  ilybbh112: owo 

AN: Comment your/some good account names to include for next time :))

I wonder if Skeppy will like it.

             at Skeppy: Currently creating alt acc's to sub and like XD

I smiled to myself as I replied "aww thx :D"

Wait maybe I should be funny.

I made another reply "but ur prob lyin o_O"

"Yea that's funny,,, I think." I chuckled to myself.

I shut off my phone and started to get up from the chair I was lounging in. Then suddenly something went off in my brain and I realized what day it was. 

"IT'S MUFFIN DAY!!" I shouted in excitement with a fist in the air.

I quickly got ready and sprinted to my car (though I *did* make sure to calm down while driving to avoid an accident). It took around 15 mins to get there and, during the drive, I remembered that Zak was going to be making a muffin for me today!

He seemed pretty interesting when I first contacted him. Imagine if it was just an automated business number and not him. I would've missed out on tasting another muffin recipe! And of course getting to know him better haha.

The only thing I remembered from when I first met him was that he was kind of a pretty boy and kind of funny (because I was mainly focused on muffin day). But now I'm somewhat more interested in getting to know him because of our texts. His stories were funny and... he's a baker I might be able to get free muffins (lmao). 

I pulled up to the Ahmed Bakery and parked at the front, so eager I left my keys in the car (as always). I walked up to the bakery as calm looking as I could and swung the bakery door open. I heard the bell near the top of the door frame gingle furiously and I started for the line. I don't know why I darted for it that time, there weren't nearly as many people here today as there usually was. There wasn't even anyone behind me in line when I went to order.

"Next customer" Zak called.

"Hey Zak." I greeted (still looking at the food display case) trying to sound "regular" and not too overly happy about a muffin.

"Oh, hey Darryl, I got your muffin ready just over there, do you want it heated? Also would you like anything else? (If I don't sell anything to you my mom would get sus)" he asked.

I was about to respond, but as I was looking up from the display, it was as if I was glancing at him for the first time.

Was he always this good looking?

I noticed his broad shoulders out of my perefial and saw the surprising definition in his (at first glance would seem to be twig) arms. 

Maybe baking gave him a bit of strength? I remember when I baked, my arms got tired within the first 30 seconds of mixing... Wait why am I focusing onthis so much? I must be jealous or someting.

A short bit after he asked his question, I stopped zoning out realizing I was looking  deep into his eyes, my cheeks getting  a warm in embarrassment.

"OH! Y-yeah sure, just some citrus tea again please."

I didn't think he noticed me staring since he only looked up at me after staring at his notepad in anticipation of my order.

"Alright, coming right up" he said smiling at me. 

My heart skipped a beat and I kinda choked on my spit. 

Do I need to see a doctor or something? 

I quickly recovered as he stopped in his tracks and walked back. 

"Oh, by the way, there are some extras muffins because my mother wouldn't let the rest be sold (since I didn't bake in the professional kitchen). Do you want them?"

"Of course, who would pass up free muffins" I said as we shared a laugh.

As I received them, I realized there were more than I thought.

"Uhhh hey Zak?" I said getting his attention once more, "I don't think I can finish all of these without them going bad, do you want to share some?"

"Sure! My shift was just about to end anyway." he said in a care-free tone, "Do you want to go the the patio?" 

AN: (on the side of the bakery)

"Yeah, I'm glad I got here on time haha" I said returning his previous smile.

I didn't usually eat at the patio, but I didn't really mind. We made our way there and I was about to sit down but my hands were full with my tea and muffins. 

"Here I'll get that for you." he said as he pulled out a chair for me.

"Oh, thanks!" I said a bit stunned.

*I* should've been the one to pull out a chair, that was so polite.

We both sat down and started to eat.

(Word count: 859)

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now