Train Wrecked Days

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Hadrian POV

It's been two weeks now and Draco and I were now training with our creatures. Draco is doing well, which is good with helping him advance his martial arts more and the working out is making us grow into our bodies......which is good for us, yes, but girls are starting to notice and they keep trying to flirt with us. It's annoying because 1. I'm gay, 2. Draco is MY mate last time I checked and 3.Have they not heard of a PERSONAL SPACE BUBBLE?? Like bruh GOD haven't I showed my-no wait never mind they see us with blank masks most of the time......I take back my earlier statement.

Right now I'm trying to get away from Lavendar and a few other Gryffindor girls BUT!(there's always a but) they keep finding me.... no-actually to put it simply I think I'm officially being STALKED. ALthough at any rate it's annoying being hounded by girls that I have zero interest in and never will, sorry not sorry, but I have to say seeing Draco get mad with jealousy is kinda funny and cute.

Whilst pondering on the hilarity of Draco's jealousy I realize that I wasn't being chased down the hallway again.....Draco definitely did something again. Oh well, he HAS been doing that for the past two weeks. Not entirely shocked by this I casually walk over to where he is 'trying' to pretend he's not jealous, whilst 'reading'. I walk behind his seat placing my hands on his shoulders and leaning down to his right ear, "Draco love, I'm not saying I don't appreciate it...but what did you do to them THIS time?"

Turning slightly to face me he replies with a feigned tone of nonchalance," Hm? WHat are you on about Hadrian. I'm kinda busy...." he pauses to look at my face and continues when he sees the disbelief in my features, "I'm trying to decide which books need to be sent to detention for the poor students there of course."

I laugh a little before sighing,".... Are you gonna be done any time soon or what because I do recall that we have next period in..." I look at my non-existent watch,"....10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,....."

'Okay! Geez, who knew you could be such an annoying prick.'

'Oh? BUT I'm YOUR annoying prick.'

"Are not!"

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are not."

"Are too!"

"Haha, see even you agree."

"Ugh, no! Hadrian! How do you always DO that," he grumbles not realizing that his lips were forming a cute and kissable pout.

Walking in front of his seat I put on a face of confusion, "Do what?"

Draco looks up at me still pouting but looks away with a faint blush painting his cheeks from our mini staring contest....aww how adorable! Suddenly he looks back up at me, cheeks now crimson, 'I heard that!'

'Oh? Good then,' I think as I lean in and give him a quick kiss on the lips. Stepping back I give him my hand which he eagerly takes as we walk in having a mental conversation about random things and dreading the next lesson- Herbology with Gryffindor.

*Mini time skip brought to you by my laziness*

Upon arriving at the greenhouse Draco and I received curt nods from our friends. I sadly had to let go of Draco's hand as we walked further into the room- couldn't afford to let anyone know that we were mates or that we were together. As much as I enjoyed the feel of Draco's small hand in mine I let go with much reluctance as we had to pretend we were just 'friends'. The main reason for this is that no one knew that I'd come into my creature inheritance other than the people I told, of course, everyone else thinks that I had a major growth spurt or that puberty hit me late- but still.

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