When will you learn!

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It's Wednesday too and so far the week has been quiet, Draco and I haven't overused our magic and Ron Weasle and his minions are not doing anything to Dray yet.....that's not good. I can just feel it in my bones that they are planning something but their thoughts aren't that loud and I don't feel like it would be a good idea to read his mind cuz that uses magic.

Draco is being more submissive now and I don't know why, but I think he senses something cause he gets skittish each time we see the Weasle and company. I've kept an eye out but he thinks I haven't noticed. Anyway now we are heading to DADA with prof. McGonagall we are quite early so we have time to chill and prepare the class begins. Dray and I are walking in the hallway when I hear Dray's name being called out by non other than the Weasle and his goons."Malfoy!" I look at him to see that he's scared and ready to run for it....those crazy bastards are scaring my mate, 'How Dare They', I'm seething inside but try to stay calm for Draco's sake as I turn to face unwanted people.

"Draco Malfoy! You need to stay away from Harry right now! I've heard the rumours you filthy slut, you've slept with nearly all the boys and now-"He was cut-off by the growl that managed to escape my throat as I went to stand in front of my mate as if I could use my body to shield him from them.

"What the Hell did you just call him?You better tell me I'm hearing wring cause I thought I heard the word slut come out of your mouth,"I was bearly holding back all my creatures at this point and I could have sucked him dry of blood considering I hadn't fed yet.

Ron looked quite surprised as he took a small step backward, "I-I said he's been sleeping around wit-" Once again Ron was cut off by a menacing laugh that signalled that Hadrian had released his creatures. Hadrian had his head bent down with his hair covering his now red eyes as he continued laughing before raising his eyes and saying, "Oh, Ron Ron! If you wanna be my friend I don't think it's good to start with saying that Draco, MY mate  and best friend is a slut." Ron and his friends just stood there quivvering  Now I'm starting to get hungry and I don't think you wanna be my meal so leave now before I change my mind," I say all this with an eerily calm demeanor. Since I cannot allow them to tell Dumbledore I cast a spell that'll make all that just happened seem like a dream.

I turn to look at my baby who happens to be thinking on overdrive.'Am I a slut? DO I go around sleeping with people?What should I do....what if Hades doesn't like me anymore?' He looks down at the floor before letting out a small sob and crumpling to the floor. I crouch to the floor next to him before picking him up with his legs around my waist and arms around my neck before moving to an empty classroom all while whispering comforting this into his ears. By the time we get to the empty classroom Dray still hasn't calmed down so I sit him on a chair and kneel in front of him.

"Let me ask you a question, have you ever had sexual relations with anyone other than myself?"he shock his head no so I kept going, "If you've never then how would you go around sleeping with people?"He thought about it for a little while before looking me dead in the eye, 'I wouldn't.' I smile and nod at him, "Exactly then how exactly would you be a slut? Like WE haven't even done that soo." Again he looked me in the eyes but this time there was a wild glint,"I'm not a slut.....so they lied? They just manipulated me to believe that?"

"I know this doesn't help in anyway right now...but it's gonna be okay. I'mma deal with them alright baby?" He nods his head looking better, but I wanted to him smile. I kissed his forehead, then both cheeks and then his lips and I tickled him a little.'Let's go to class we are still early.'

After that incident the day was relatively quiet until we had potions in last period. We'd been talking about the previous lessons on the way to Snape's potions class when suddenly I had a strange vision in which I saw Draco getting knocked over by a bunch of Ron's guys trying to get at him. I heard their feet thudding on the ground and before the first one could knock into Dray I lifted him up the same way I'd done earlier in the day except he held his books instead of my neck. I scowled at the boys and they looked annoyed before checking on my baby, how had decided to close his eyes at the sudden movement. 'I'm fine' I stare at him...oh right new powers still getting used to that, but why'd he close his eyes? 'I like how I fit into your arms that easily.....and my creatures were trying to come out'

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