Sorting and re-sorting Pt 2

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"Can Mr... H-Harry Potter please come up," Prof Mcgonnagal stammered. 

Harry POV

I could see that everyone was staring at me in horror and I didn't need to look just to know that Malfoy was blushing. 'Why would Malfoy be blushing?' I thought to myself as I walked up. When I arrived at the front of the hall I sat on the stool and the hat was placed onto my head, soon after I heard a familiar voice in my head.

(In Bold is the sorting hat)

"Hello again, Lord Slytherin. I see you have chosen to finally go to your true house"

"Yes I have, but why did you call me Lord Slytherin?"

"Well my Lord, I guess you're gonna have to check out your inheritance papers sooner than you wanted."

As soon as the sorting hat stopped talking in my head, he yelled out, "You shall be Slytherin."

I stood up from the stool and walked straight over to the Slytherin table, where I found a seat at the end of the table. As I sat there I quite enjoyed having all the attention in the Great Hall. After a well-deserved shock, everything went back to normal and the nights' proceedings continued until it was time to go to the dorm rooms. 


Ok, everyone, this was meant to be out last week but I forgot to publish it. Anyway, for the creature inheritance list, it would be much appreciated of the votes kept coming so far there are a few votes for dragons, wolves, elves and veelas

Oh and super-duper sorry that this chapter was short.

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