HELLA Inheritance and Date

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Ron Weasley POV *Suprise pov*

(The day after Harry and Draco were in the forbidden forest)

This year has not started on good terms. Harry's being a jerk number one, number two he's actually a Slytherin no correction a gay Slytherin, number three he's gay for Draco Malfoy I mean c'mon of all the people! number four Dumbledore's not paying Hermione and my family(with Harry's money) because we aren't close with him right now and number five we haven't heard from Ginny for a while so I'm guessing he's done something to her.

I heard a rumour that he has plans with Malfoy this Hogsmeade weekend and me being me I plan to ruin those plans and make their day miserable! Since the twins won't help me I'll just have to steal some of their pranks and if Harry catches me I'll just tell him it was the twins' idea...I'm absolutely sure he'll believe me. (Author: so basically Ron is being a sadistic bastard for now)

Harry Potter POV

It's been two days since Pansy and Blaise pulled off that stunt on Draco and I. I've only just realized that Draco and I really need to make better friends from now on but then again I haven't done anything to the two of them....because something seems off. It's like a spell or a potion cause whenever I try to read their thought I can never see anything. Anyway, it's Hogsmead weekend tomorrow and I believe that the Weasle that calls itself Ronald Weasley has a plan to ruin my day but I have plans up my sleeve. For one I know for sure that the Weasley twins have nothing to do with the money stealing....so I let them in on a secret and they let me duplicate their potions and I spelled the duplicates to teleport themselves back to Ron when I or anyone trips them up. That way even if they are set off the only one affected is that idiot of a person.

The week's been going oddly smoothly but that's the thing...nothing's happened yet which means something bad is going to happen soon. Right now it's breakfast and I'm trying to figure out why Hermione hasn't even said anything to me yet. I tried to read Granger's mind but all she seems to be thinking of is how come I left her in Griffindor and why she can't remember the trip coming to Hogwarts. And don't get me wrong but I know that people think that I'm an idiot but that is only because they only see me as 'The Golden Boy' or 'The Boy Who Lived' so I thought it was best to keep my knowledge to myself. I'm actually much more informed than everyone thinks...I mean I found out about wizards when I was 5, the only reason I know is cause I spoke to a snake and it told me everything and helped me learn everything(that's the only reason I 'learn spells quicker' as Dumbles calls it). Unfortunately, the snake was killed by 'Uncle' Vernon(more like uncle vermin) and I've had to fend off the vermin by myself since I was 9.

Moving on(Later that day)

I knew today was strangely quiet...but it's like the whole school knows about something that I have no clue about, that and the fact that the hallways are eerily quiet even though there are lots of people in them. Speaking of people I haven't seen Draco since lunch and he missed all the classes after lunch. 'My next class is outside with Hagrid the groundskeeper of Hogwarts. This class is held in the Forbidden forest so it should be easy to sneak off once nobody is looking,'I thought as I was heading outside. 

But then out of nowhere, I'm hit with the scent of Draco's fear and pain through the mate bond. I can sense that my glamour is going to break if I don't find him. And with that thought in mind, I start following the scent and surprise surprise it led me to the room where I found the Philosopher's stone in the first year. What could Dray possibly be doing down there? As I step into the shadows for protection and so that I'm hidden, I follow the smell of my mate's fear until I enter the chamber with the mirror of erised and there in the centre are four people that includes Draco, Hermione, Ron and Dumbledore. Draco was slumped in a chair and had so many bruises and cuts but was barely hanging on to consciousness....but as soon as I walked in his eyes sparkled with light and he quickly looked in my direction as if he could actually see me but just as quickly as he looked away so as to no attract attention to me. As I walked closer to the scene I could hear loud thoughts coming from Hermione. I looked through them and I could see that she was fighting hard against the imperious curse, so I nudge her mind in the right direction and helped her break the spell. Once she was in control of her body she looked around the room as if to find who helped her, but I didn't want any attention on myself yet so I spoke to her telepathically.

(Harry in bold and Hermione in normal not bold)

"Hermione. Calm down and stop looking around the room."I looked for her reaction and it didn't seem like she got the point because she had just tensed up a little bit more.

"M'ione you need to calm down and pretend you'll still under the influence of the imperious curse...okay. I need you to trust me right now."She seemed to relax a bit but she still looked very confused and shaken.

"H-Harry...is that you? OMG, I'm so sorry they've been torturing Draco since lunch finished and they somehow managed to block the mate bond and his scent. I'm so sorry I couldn't fight this stupid spell. Harry, what do I do?"

"Well first thing's first I need you to pretend that you're still under the influence of the spell and when I tell you to I need you to get ready to come and grab hold of me so we can leave...okay?"

"Yeah okay"

I made the shadows grow larger and I grabbed onto Ron's shadow and managed to enter his mind and make him forget about what happened down here and then I did the same to Dumbledore, after that, I released their shadows and made them pass out then finally I stepped out of the shadows grabbed Ron and took him to the dorm making it seem like he skipped class for a nap and then I did the same thing for Dumbledore leaving him in his chair in his office. As soon as I came back to the chamber with Hermione and Draco I found that Draco had finally let himself pass out and Hermione had passed out due to the mental struggle she had with the imperious curse. 

I healed both of them after bringing them back to my dorm room and when they woke up an hour or so later we talked and I explained everything to Hermione, beginning with my inheritance, break-up and everything else until then. Although I had explained a lot to Hermione and Draco I hadn't told them everything and I knew that Dray knew this so I'd have to explain to him later on. So much that date of ours with whatever happened today I don't know if Dray will be feeling up to it, I think we'd just have to sneak out at some point.


Hey readers! Sooooooooo how was that chapter? I hope it was good and I hope you enjoyed the surprise pov.Anyway So I now already know the creatures that Harry is going to have but as you can see u guys are gonna have to wait for that chapter.Won't be too long hopefully and I'll try to make it even longer than this chapter.

Buh Baii readers until next time!

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