Hogwarts again!

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No one in particular's POV

As the students got off the Hogwarts Express the first years were greeted by Rubeus Hagrid("Just Hagrid for short") the school's keys and groundkeeper. This year like every year started with taking the 'first year's to the great hall to be sorted.

Usually, the ceremony always began with the Sorting Hat's song:

And then after this was done the 'Headmaster', Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore("Ahem it's 'just Dumbledore' for short) would do a speech that consisted of what was allowed, what was different and somethings nobody even understood.

Although this year there going to be many surprises.


Hahahaha...ummm Hello readers super sorry that I didn't update over the last weekend. My reasons are that I was sick(not an excuse but...) and I had writer's block. So just letting you all know if it says 'No one's POV' then it's just a filler for the next chapter

I'll try to update this weekend....hopefully! Not sure what'll be happening *wink*wink but yea. Oh, yea BTW did u guys notice my 'But I'm just Harry' reference?

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