Hermione's Summer

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Hermione Granger POV (Before Hogwarts starts again)

I've had a long summer......that's the first time I've ever said that. At first, I stayed with my parents but that's not the best because after they found out that I was a witch they've tried to make it seem like I'm not there at all. It's not like they treat me really badly but they don't pay attention to me and all they ever talk about is that they are going to have another child and that child won't be a magical child.

I didn't stay with my parents for the entire summer because halfway through the Weasly family clan always comes to get me and Harry from the muggle world. For once I can say I didn't care cause as I said before I've had a long summer........wanna know why? I don't know how it's possible for a muggle-born witch to have a creature inheritance but I found out that I have a creature inheritance this summer. But the funny thing is that this year I didn't look forward to being with the Weasleys.....well actually it's Ron, Ginny and Mrs Weasley that I don't wanna be near. I'm not really happy or comfortable around them anymore because I found out something before the summer holiday started. I found out that Ron, Ginny and Mrs Weasley have been stealing money from Harry and they've been obliviating me so that I didn't remember anything. They're also feeding me, Harry, Neville and Luna potions to make us loyal to them or to trust and believe in the light side. They've also been feeding some of the Slytherins with potions and some of the teachers too and I think they might have used the Imperious potion on Harry but I don't think I can be sure right now.

As for going to the Burrow for the rest of summer, well I'll have to do it so that I can get information and when I go back to Hogwarts I'll have to go to Gringotts during the next/first Hogsmead weekend to find out what I am and sort out anything that needs to be sorted out. For the time being, I can't let them find out what I know or they'll just obliviate me again and again...... but I'll have to find an opening so that I can tell Harry and hopefully we can help each other.

Going to Hogwarts

I went over to stay with the Weasleys and it was pretty bad. I learnt their true colours after breaking through all the potions and at meals I kept checking for any potions not too many were detected but I did vanquish the ones that I did find.

At the moment I and Ron are just arriving at platform 9 3/4 and I just crossed over to find ahead of very messy and untameable raven hair walking to one of the compartment doors in the Hogwarts express train. That's definitely Harry I think to myself. I nudge Ron and we start running after Harry but also so we can catch up and see if I can sit with him and see if he's alright. When we finally catch up to him we finally notice his clothing and his whole aura is different but it feels like it's more 'Harry'.....you know?

Before we even know what 's happening I'm put under the Imperious Curse and say things that would not be nice to say. Until Harry finally dismisses me and Ron by telling us that we were going to be late to the prefect's compartments. As we walk away I felt the urge to turn around but I was still under the curse so all I could do was feel bad as I waited for the curse to be lifted. 

First Week of school(after re-sorting)

Everything has been pretty tense ever since last night with Harry getting a house re-sort an all that. It's been a situation with trying to find time to talk to Harry, I'm sure he thinks that I've been working with the Weasleys and Dumbledore on purpose but really I honestly despise them.....especially Ron and Ginny. Anyway, I heard a rumour saying that Draco Malfoy's friends pulled off a stunt and humiliated Malfoy in front of Harry and to be honest I've seen how Harry looks at the Malfoy heir and I know for certain that he is in love with Draco Malfoy. I heard that Harry fixed the problem with Draco later that day and now they seem really close it's kinda unnerving. I hope I can find someone who'll love me like that.....one day. Anyway, the first Hogsmeade weekend is coming up so I'll be going to sort out everything soon and hopefully get the chance to talk to Harry even though I know he'll really try to avoid me.


Hi readers, I'm really sorry I didn't post this last week......to be honest  I had been writing in Harry and Draco's Pov's so much that when I had to do another Pov I was just lost but I got it now so I'll make sure to get the creature inheritance reveal out soon maybe this week even who knows?

Baii readers pls stay indoors and safe from COVID-19

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