Off to Hogwarts

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Harry POV

I arrived at platform 9 3/4 with quite a lot of time, but I then realized my mistake as soon as I saw Hermione and Weasle(Ron). They hadn't seemed to notice me so when they did I pretended I hadn't seen them. Hermione started running towards me screaming, "Harry, Harry! It's been so long were have you been and-" Ron caught up with her and looked at me skeptically before saying, " And why does he look so...... different?"

I'd have to put up with them until I found out my inheritance, so I put up a façade and tried hard not to scowl or do anything stupid, "Hi Hermione, Ron I didn't see you guys there when did you get here. Also you guys I know I look different but you know what I've always wanted to dress like this so now that I am...... I hope you can accept it." I was trying so hard to fight the sudden urge to rip their throat's out. Granger and Weasle gave each other concerned glances but attempted to cover it up by nodding at one another; how disgusting. I brushed it off and started for the Hogwarts express so as to get a good compartment for himself. When Harry noticed that they were following him he ignored it until he found a seat at the back of the 8th year car. He'd finally had enough of them when he turned to sit down, but they didn't leave so he said, "Aren't you meant to be with the other prefects?"

"What other prefects are you talking about Harry...... we are going to stay here with you?"The Weasle tried to sound polite and innocent but his voice just sounded straight up cold.Hermione made a face at Harry as if that was out of the question. "Well, I don't know about you but if I were a prefect I would do whatever it took to stay one and not sitting with the other prefects doesn't seem like the best idea," I was trying to persuade them into going to the prefects area and eventually they did knowing that in a way that I was right.


Harry Potter 'The Boy Who Lived' was the dumbest person you could possibly meet. I mean honestly and you know what if I have to deal with him anymore then I have been since first year then that's it and I don't even wanna care about the money we get from being his fake friend. "Hey 'Mione do you think something happened over the holiday?" I asked as she was also being payed to be his friend. Hermione thought for a bit until she said,"Ginny...... Ginny did something. I should think so, I mean we haven't seen her much lately and she hasn't called with a status on Harry. She must've done something. Oh no what's she done now....if that git ruined everything I swear...."she trailed of in her thoughts. After some time I eventually said," We need to keep a close eye on him just in case, but right now we can't go back to his compartment; people are coming we might not find a spot to sit. "

Harry POV

People are starting to board the train now so it's good that I found myself a seat earlier. Weasle and mudblood haven't tried to come back and talk to me so that's good and it also means I have an entire compartment to myself right know. *Knock Knock* I sigh thinking not for long I guess. "Come in"

"Hello Harry Potter, it's been a good summer I suppose....."

OMGosh I'm sooo sorry to anyone who's been reading my story. I didn't mean to ghost you. School's starting again today and I've been preparing which kinda gave me writer's block in the process.I'll try writing lots of drafts at a time so that I can post every week but it's not a garuantee.

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