Are you alright?

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Hadrian POV


'It hurts make it stop, make it stop!'Everything hurts but suddenly it goes numb.

Hadrian Riddle, Hadrian Riddle, Hadrian Riddle. I can hear my name coming from all directions, am I going crazy? Where am I, what's I dead?

"No, Mr Riddle I assure you, you aren't dead and you are definitely not crazy," says a strangely familiar voice. I know this person. "I know you,"I managed to gasp out, my voice sounding ragged. 

"I am here to tell you that your inheritance is nearly at it's end and your body is preparing for the full transformation. Your body has begun this transition and you will have your inheritance any time or day from the time you wake up, just know that before the end of this month (it's July, what a coincidence...I swear to the gods I didn't even mean to do that) you will have your full inheritance but along with that so will your mate."

"Why...I thought he already had his full inheritance."

"Your mate's body was ready but the mate that is ready first waits until the other is ready as well. This is so that they can go through this together and strengthen the bond, so you must watch to see if your mate becomes more emotional and clingy to you until then. I know you have morals but you have to read his mind so you know what's going on," he concluded and just as he finished the pain started to lose the numbness. I managed to stay awake but not for too long as I succumbed to darkness.

I leap out of the bed and run straight to my bathroom and rinse my face with cold water. My body feels stiff, so that means my dream or whatever that was is real. I feel different somehow and all my senses are more acute somehow, I can smell something delicious and I can hear the heartbeat of all the people in the school. Someone's alarm goes off it's too loud...without even thinking about it I scream into the mirror not wanting this right now, after a good da- 31 July! Oh My Gods! It's gonna happen on my birthday!...ahh come oooon worst birthday present ever! Now I'm whining jeez I'm turning 17 for christ's sake and I'm whining over that!Ha


'Gosh I wish my senses weren't overdrive right now.' Draco looked at me funny for a second..."Uh-Hadrian did you say something just then. Cuz...well you just said I wish my senses weren't going overdrive right now, are you okay?"

Lemme show you, I told him as I began to protect my dream into his mind. His eyes widened in shock and his thoughts were so loud,'I'm older yet I'm the submissive?' I winced at the loudness of the thought so I turned around when I felt his emotion;disappointment.I turn to face my mate who still seems to be in a daze, I take my chance and begin walking over to see if he's alright from my earlier actions but as soon as I start walking, pain....pain....pain it's all there is to feel. I fall to the ground writhing in pain and yet I don't scream for the sake of my mate and the fact that I can handle pain, but felt like being dipped into a combination of dry ice and lava or being stung by a million bees; I've never felt pain like this in my life...everything hurts, my head is pounding and my body is too hot but it's too cold as well, when I try too move it feels like my muscles are tearing apart. Somehow I manage to turn and lie on my back but that makes it much worse that I end up blacking out. 

Draco POV

Oh poop!

I forgot his senses are going overdrive so my thought were too loud that's why he turned around. He must've sensed my disappointment because he turn and started walking toward me but as soon as he took a step he fell to the floor writhing in what looked like pain. I tried to rush over but was stopped when a letter fell next too him just as he blacked out. It read:

Dear Mr Hadrian Riddle,

We are pleased to inform you that your body is now ready to complete the full creature inheritance. You will go into a short induced coma and bursts of pain as all your inheritances properly take shape. On the day before the full transformation you will awaken and must have your mate with you the entire time on that day and the day of your birthday, which is when we assume your full inheritance will commence alongside your mate as well.

May your gold forever flow,


I sat there shocked if Griphook was telling this to Hades the who told him in the dream? I read the letter over and over not realizing that my dominant was stirring and sweating in his sleep, but when I noticed it was because of the groan that escaped his lips. I couldn't pick him up so I levitated him to his bed where he let out an even louder groan when I laid him on his back, he was in pain but I didn't know where."I-I don't know where, I d-do-n't know where," I said on the verge of breaking down. My dominant's breathing became laboured and I could see he was fighting the pain. "Lay....l-lay on si-side," he managed to gasp trying not to scream. I touched his shoulder checking if that would hurt him more but it seemed to soothe him and I turned him onto his side. Feeling lazy...not clingy I locked the door wandlessly without realizing and activated privacy and silence spells and crawled into the arms of my mate as he relaxed and spooned me both of us falling asleep almost instantaneously.

Hadrian POV

I was in pain when Dray laid me on my back I groaned louder and realized he didn't know what to do....I wasn't there to be his dominant so he didn't know what to do. Turn me onto my side I wanted to say but I couldn't move with all the pain."I-I don't know where, I d-do-n't know where,"I heard my baby say, clearly on the verge of breaking down, I just had to do something;c'mon body listen to me move! "Lay....l-lay on si-side,"I managed to say as I gasp with pain. 

I heard shuffling and soon his hand touched my shoulder and the pain was dulled in that area. I heard the door locked and more shuffling as Dray lay down next to soon as I felt the contact I felt soo much better and managed to spoon him and soon we were both asleep.

Hermione POV

Yesterday had been an alright day for me. I'd gone to Hogsmeade and bought books. And I had wanted to follow Harry and Malfoy but I knew they'd know I was there so I decided against it and instead followed Ron around and made it seem like I was still under the effects of immperio. Although something seemed off, as I hadn't seen neither Harry nor the Malfoy heir since then, but there was nothing I could do since I wasn't allowed into the Slytherin common room let alone their I left it until today. But they weren't at breakfast, lunch or dinner for most of the week until Thursday; and it was Harry's birthday today, 31 July.

When they came out of there they looked exhausted and they wouldn't let each other out of their sight. They sat together on classes not unusual, they ate together again not unusual but then were even going to the toilet together like they couldn't bear to be away from one another that's kinda normal but I think they're being clingy and that's not normal for them. But then again it's been a tough yeah so far.


Sup my lovely readers! Just wanted to post something (still making up for not posting the past weeks). This chapter is really short compared to last chapter and I'm sorry bout it I'll try make them longer but it's 11:48pm right now so,anyway

Buh Bye mah lil butterflies!

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