Off to Hogwarts Pt 2

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Luna lovegood POV

"Hello Harry Potter, it's been a good summer I suppose.....", I say as I stand in the doorway; looking at a very handsome and different Harry Potter. Honestly to say the least I wasn't surprised.......why you may ask, well I'm a seer and I saw a vision of what happened to him over the holidays. I also wanted to make sure that he was okay, he is basically my brother in everything except blood after all.

Harry POV

"Hello Harry Potter, it's been a good summer I suppose....."

I turn around to look at the one who thinks they can disturb me. . . . . I found Luna(lil sis) standing in the doorway looking waaay to smug for my liking. I decided that I would just play with her a bit, feeling a mischievous grin creep into my features."Hello young Miss, are you by any chance in need of something...?"

She looked at me weirdly and then said, "Actually....yes I need you stop playing that little game of yours 'Harry Potter'. And yess I know that it's you Harry; would I be a good sister if I didn't?"

"Haha that's funny but last time I are a seer; and you would have recognised me even if you hadn't seen the vision", I reply calmly and invite her into the compartment before I threw up some silencing, privacy and locking spells; that would be hard to break(even for auras). After this I begin to explain everything from my creature inheritance to now and not long after she tells me what happened on her summer we arrived at Hogwarts. 'Boy am I gonna enjoy my year. It should be interesting', I thought.

"Now first of let's get ourselves resorted into our true houses don't you think Harry," Luna was saying.


Hello my lovely readers, so I managed to write another part of the story. YaY! But It's just an inbetweener for Off to Hogwarts Pt 1 and arriving at Hogwarts. I'm gonna see if I can get another part out over the weekend.......but there's no guarantee.

I really hope you guys are enjoying and If you are don't forget to vote and share with a friend. XD

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