Hella Inheritance and date Pt3

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Harry POV

Finally! Draco and I can go to Gringotts and have our date....like man those last few days were pretty....interesting. Draco looks hesitant at the moment, I wonder why.

"What's up?"

"Uh...umm-what if we find really bad things!"He blurted.

"HMHM well if we do then I'll do over the people that made it bad so they can't hurt you or me again."

'Gosh, how can you say that so matter of factly?'Draco thinks wearing a pout on his face at the same time.

"Haha because it is a fact. Now do you wanna wait till later or should we go now? To Gringotts I meant."I wanted to know if he was okay to go now or later, if we went now we'd probably have more time for our date but if we go later we are most likely not gonna get caught....as long as Draco's safe I'm all set. 'If we go now we'll have more time for the date!'

"Let's go now, Harry!"

I nodded and in no time at all, we were both ready to go. Draco was about to walk to the fireplace when I levitated him all the way back towards me."Dray, we aren't going that way I'm taking us MY  way." Draco nodded his head looking a bit embarrassed, which honestly looked cute on his face.

"Your way?" he said when he arrived at my side.

Since I didn't exactly know what it was called I just nodded my head and proceeded in taking us to Gringotts bank. We arrived in the alleyway just outside and went ahead inside and waited in the line of people(which wasn't that long) until we were at the front. I greeted the goblin and asked to see my account manager.

"What would your name be, wizard." The goblin said not recognising me.

"Harry Potter sir. I've come with my mate to see my account manager but I don't have my vault key with me. Is there a way to prove who I am?"

"Right this way young man." Draco and I followed the goblin into a fairly large looking office where he told us to wait and someone would be with us shortly. Not long after that a goblin that I recognized from my first year came into the room and introduced himself as 'Griphook'. We waited for a minute or two whilst he settled into his chair and looked at some files.

"Mr Potter..." he nodded towards me and paused when he saw Draco at my side. "Mr Malfoy," he said nodding towards Draco as well. "Well let us proceed, shall we? I will require you to take the dagger on the far left of the table and cut your palm allowing 6 drops of blood to fall for a birth certificate and 9 drops of blood for a full inheritance test. When you have finished that wait about a minute and you will notice that the blood will have formed into words. Whilst we wait we shall discuss some discrepancies in your vaults young sirs."

I looked over at Draco and saw that he was a nervous wreck, he kept glancing at the dagger and trying to cover-up his arms. "Excuse me Griphook?" he looked up from his paperwork giving me all the attention I needed. "Sorry to bother you but I need a moment..." he didn't seem to understand what I was implying. "A moment alone, please? I won't take too long." Finally understanding what I meant Griphook gave me a sharp nod and I could've sworn that just before he left he gave me a knowing kind of look....or was that just me? I shrug and then turn to Draco and find him staring into space looking very very...I don't know if there is a nice way of saying absolutely horrified. I walked over to him and knelt in front of his seat.

"Hey...Dray, DRACO."He was still spacing out so I figured he was in his mind space and decided I'd just talk to him in there. I walked into his mind space and what I saw was beautiful mainly but there was one corner that was a wreck and it was concealed but I could see it because of my abilities and that Dray's my mate. Draco was in there standing in front of a dagger, crying. In less than a blink of the eye, I was next to him cooing calming things into his ears, why's my baby crying was it fear of cutting himself with the dagger?

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