What's your deal?!

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Draco POV

Just as I thought, trouble was to follow very soon. We've just about spent an hour in transfiguration and thank merlin Professor Mcgonnagal was there or else all hell would have broken loose. During the lesson, the Gryffindors kept giving us dirty looks, especially Ronald he kept glaring at Hadrian and myself. Ugh!! This guy is such a dumbass. BUT this dumbass makes me feel uncomfortable plus I'm sitting closer to him.

' Ask Adrian to swap with us then. Look he can feel your discomfort.'

I take a glance in my mate's direction to ask this only to find that he's already staring at me. Inclining my head to the side conveying my confusion. His curios look turns dark as he looks behind me so I turn around only to find the wall that is called H-Hadrian's muscular chest, he quickly wraps his arms around me, "oof" and I can barely see through them as I notice the bright lights of spells headed straight for us. Bracing for the impact I settle deeper into his arms, before hearing a loud *BANG* but nothing happens.

I lift my head a bit so that I could look at Hadrian, but he's glowering furiously at everyone in Gryffindor and the professor is too; not that anyone should be surprised. Looking around I can tell that the Gryffindors had cast multiple bombarda spells at us but none of them had hit us. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Adrian's voice, "Dray? A-are you okay?" I nod my head in response shocked and terrified at what had happened.

"Th-They actually attacked.....i-i-in the middle of a c-class," I hated how my voice trembled but I didn't care, Hadrian was here so it would be fine. I felt so scared, w-what if something had ac-actually happened. Hadey must've sensed my fear as he wrapped a firm but reassuring arm around me before facing the rest of the class.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU-YOU DUMBASSES. SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" My mate's voice boomed all around the room in pure fury. Literally, everyone in the room cowered at his anger I wasn't scared for myself but I WAS scared about what would happen if he stayed here. Pulling away from him and grabbing a hold of his hand I run out of the class and into the hallways where we ran to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and into the chamber of secrets.

As soon as we got there Hadrian told me to go to the library whilst he calmed down in the combat room, "NO! I'm going with you...I can feel your anger, no your fury. If I can help I will YOU just have to let me!" I hadn't realized that I'd started yelling but Hadey had a look of shock on his face before he took a step towards me and I took one back, this continued until my back hit the wall and his arms were on either side of me. Leaning in towards my neck he nestled his head on the crook of my neck allowing my scent to envelop and calm him. Soon I felt warm beads falling onto my shoulder- he's crying.

"H-Hadey? What's wrong? Is it m-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I was cut off with Hadrian's lips pressing against mine, after that he put his forehead on mine and let me see what was wrong. He was scared he'd lose me, he was sad because of his ex-friend's betrayal and he was relieved that I was fine.

'Dray I wanna talk to Darius'

Retreating into Hadrian's mind I tell him that Marcus wanted to talk to Darius, so in the end, I was being spooned by my handsome mate as he played with the tips of my hair and I with his free hand.

"Draco?"I hum in response. "I love you."

"I love you too"


Hey guys! It's been a while, right!? Is this chapter good? Let me know and sorry it was shorter than usual, but it connects to the next chapter so look out for that.

Bye, fam

Trouble Maker in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now