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July 20th
Dear Diary,
Today was tough. It was the final day of semester and I had to hand in my letter of resignation at UA, but I also had to pick up the last of my stuff from my parents; house. My mother and father fought for days and days after she made the decision to kick me and Hitoshi out. They fought a lot over the years but I honestly don't see them coming back after this. I always heard my dad telling my mum that the only reason he stayed was because of me but now that I'm not there there's nothing stopping him from leaving. My mother was more than happy to hand over my rights to the house I was left. In other news, me and Hitoshi had finally finished painting our bedroom. It was the last room that needed painting so now the house was finally fully ready for us to move in. So today was filled with both sadness and excitement. It was the start of a new chapter in both your lives. 

September 1st
Dear Diary,
Today was my first day of the police academy I signed up to after dropping out of UA. It was a lot more fun than I was anticipating. I'd decided I'd become a police officer pretty much immediately after the shock of becoming quirkless had worn off. Even if I don't have a showy quirk anymore I wasn't going to let that stop me from helping people. Hitoshi had done nothing but support me the entire summer break. It was hard having to part ways in the morning but it was more than worth it coming home. Hitoshi got home before me and cooked a huge fancy dinner for us both. It was the most amazing meal I'd eaten in such a long time. We'd both been living off instant ramen and take-out while we got fully moved in. But it's nice to finally have a set path for myself again after the uncertainty of the last few weeks.

January 1st
Dear Diary,
My dad filed for divorce. For some reason I was surprised, as if I'd almost convinced myself it wasn't going to happen. We're letting him stay in the spare bedroom for as long as he needs to. I think he and my mother fell out of love quite a while ago but the end of a 35 year marriage is still hard on him. He even tried to pay us rent for the room but obviously we wouldn't let him. He's basically been the perfect tenant so far. He has good days and bad days but that's to be expected. On his good days, it's nice to see a glimpse of what my childhood would have been like if I were allowed one. On my days off from school we watch movies and go to aquariums and parks, obviously it's not the same because I'm not a kid but it's still nice to spend time with him. We don't spend too much time outside though because even after all this time my muscles are still healing so too much walking makes the pain flare up. But it's getting better. I'm glad I get to spend this time with my dad and Hitoshi. 

-3 years later-

April 5th
Dear Diary,
Today has got to be I think the greatest day of my life. Hitoshi took time off work so it lined up with my days off. He took me out to a local theme park and we spent the day there. He won me this huge purple stuffed bear that looks kinda like him now that I think about it. After we were done with all of the rides, we went to this new fancy restaurant in town and we had this amazing meal with some of the biggest steaks I've ever seen in my life. But those aren't the best bit. The best bit was when he took my hand across the table and started telling me everything he loved about me. It was the cutest thing because he had this big smile on his face that seeped onto my face too. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. And then...oh god and then he stood up, still holding my hand. He got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. Of course I said yes! I'm so happy right now I feel like I'm floating. I hugged him so so so hard and I cried off all my makeup but he didn't care that I was snotty and tear-stained, he still kissed me and told me I was beautiful. I love him so much and I'm so happy to see what the future holds. 

~𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹~

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