Never Enough

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You spent the next few days in solitude. The doctor came in and out a few times and tried to speak to you but you never took your eyes off the clouds in the sky outside your window. You weren't concentrating on anything, you just couldn't bring yourself back down to earth. You were floating inside your own head and nothing could bring you back down, nothing except..


Your head whirls round. Standing in the doorway as pale as a sheet is the one person you've been wanting to see. You hadn't cried since the day they'd told you about your condition but the minute you laid eyes on him the tears began to fall again, and you had no power to stop them. You grab tightly onto his shirt, sobbing into his chest when he comes over and wraps you in his arms, stroking your hair and telling you that he's here and that everything is okay. Usually you hated having people tell you that things were okay because they couldn't possibly know whether it would be but you honestly felt like it was true now that he was here. You felt like yourself again, as if he was the missing piece you had needed the whole time. 

After a while of hugging and crying you carefully slid yourself over in the bed so that he could climb in next to you. You'd been unhooked from all of the tubes and wires so it was easier for you to move around, although you still struggled to walk. You kept your eyes fixed onto your intertwined hands as you rested your head on his shoulder. For the first time, you actually felt comfortable in your hospital bed. "How did you know I was here?" He breathed out a heavy sigh, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand. "You're not gonna like the answer....but your dad came and got me. They did originally call her but she was apparently too bust with work so she got him to come and get you. He was apparently in quite an important meeting but he told me he'd never run faster in his life. He came and got me because he thought you'd need me." You were conflicted. You wanted to be happy that your dad was there for you and actually cared but you couldn't overlook how mad you were over your mother's negligence. You just closed your eyes and didn't say anything for a little while. "You know what's sad?" You couldn't hide the disgust and anger in your voice. "When I was in that alleyway being tortured by that guy I was thinking about all the people who'd miss me if I died. It was a way for me to try and stay conscious. I thought about you, I thought about my dad, the people in our class, hell I even thought about the teachers at school, but not once....not a single time did I think that she'd miss me. If I'd just be another time that I'd failed to live up to her expectations. And what's even more sad is that if it were the other way around....I honestly don't think I'd miss her either. I know that makes me seem like a bad person's the truth." You let out a breath as Hitoshi squeezes your hand. "She's put you through so much that I honestly don't blame you." During your stay in the hospital you'd had quite a lot of time to think. Due to your age, you could now legally move out. You sit up, turning to look Hitoshi directly in the eye. "Do you remember a few years ago when my great grandpa died? Do you know because he was suuuper rich? I actually got left a house in his will....and I've decided I want to claim it now. Would you move in with me?" His eyes go wide as he scans your face, also sitting up. "Wait really? You really want me to move in with you?" You nod, taking his hands in yours. "I think it'll be good. Especially seeing as.....seeing as I'll probably have to drop out of UA...." He pulls you into a hug, burying his face in your neck. "I will follow you to the ends of the earth (Y/N)."

It took a lot of help but you eventually managed to get out to the car after you were discharged. You were almost knocked off of your shaky feet as your father wrapped you in a tight hug. This was the first time in your life you had ever seen him cry. "I was so worried about you sweetheart. I'm so so sorry you had to go through this. I'm so sorry." You hugged him back tightly, hiding your face in his jacket. "I'm sorry for scaring you Dad...but I'm okay now I promise." He reluctantly let you out of the hug and helped you into the back of the car. The drive home is filled with pretty much silence. You pray to God that your mother won't be at home. You don't think you have the strength to deal with her right now. Parking up in front of your house, your dad and Hitoshi help you out of the car. Much to your dismay, your mother's car is on the drive. Hitoshi half carries you into your house behind your father who opens the doors for you both. "Take her straight upstairs, I'll cook you some food sweetie, I bet you'll be happy to eat something other than hospital food, huh?" You can't help but smile. "Yeah, I can't wait. Thanks Dad." You both manage to, very slowly, get upstairs. Hitoshi places you gently down onto your bed and gets you some fresh clothes. He goes to the bathroom while you change. Just as you finish changing your bedroom door opens, but to your disappointment it's not Hitoshi. It's her. 

"So, it really is true, huh? I figured that you'd probably just been putting it all on for a show. I thought you'd probably just grazed yourself or fractured a bone or something. But I guess you really are quirkless now. You know, I never thought our dream would go out like this. That you'd get it stripped away by a lowly thug. It's kind of pathetic if you think about it. And that poor hero, what was her name, Turbulence. I bet she's turning in her grave looking at you right now in this weak state. You know, I ought to-" She's cut off by the sound of the door slamming. Hitoshi had come back into the room and slammed the door behind him. "You ought to what? Hit her? Throw her out? Why? Because she was brave enough to go up against a villain? Yeah she may not have won but she was still brave enough to try and defend herself. She did something you could NEVER have done. And that pro-hero didn't die because of her. Whether she was there or not the outcome would have been the same. Turbulence took on an enemy that was too strong for her. It's part of being a pro-hero, not that you'd know because you never became one." His voice dripped with anger. You'd never seen him get so mad. Your mother was completely speechless actually felt happy about it. Her face hardened and she headed to the door. "I want you both out of my house by the end of the month. I'm done providing for my own ungrateful child, never mind someone else's." You flopped back onto your bed after she slammed the door. Hitoshi came over and wrapped you in a hug. "It's okay (Y/N). We'll get through this, together." 

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