Nowhere to run

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A/N: So, I tried doing research but literally nowhere told me whether the reserve course did internships but this story isn't cannon anyway so oh well. Also, the pro-hero in this chapter is NOT REAL. She is completely made up as is one other character in this chapter but I can't tell you that without spoilers, further adding to the fact that this is NOT A CANNON STORY.  Also, this chapter might be quite long so bare with. Fanks 


It was hard to believe that Hitoshi had been staying at your house for over a month now. You'd spent so many nights wrapped up in each other, sometimes sleeping, sometimes talking about the future. You always seemed to have really deep conversations early in the mornings, when the world was silent. Sometimes you liked to lie there when he was asleep and listen to him breathing softly, comforted by the fact he was so comfortable to sleep around you. Today was a similar day. You had a lot on your mind. Today was the start of internships. You'd been offered an internship in a neighbouring city by the hero Turbulence. You'd chosen her because she was in an area that had very little villain activity but quite a moderate crime rate. Robberies and assaults were common but the League or any other major crime unit had not been spotted even once there. It was your safest option. A lot of people in the hero course probably chose their internships based on wanting to be exposed to villains because of the nature of their studies, but not you. You wanted to be able to silently wipe out small crimes and leave the big villains to the more powerful heroes. You didn't understand the appeal of fighting a battle you couldn't win all for a bit of publicity. It just didn't make sense. 

Straightening your tie, you gave yourself a final glance in the mirror of the bathroom before you were due to head onto the train. You raise your head and walked out of the bathroom with poise and purpose. If you were going to be the hero you wanted to be, you needed to start acting the part, that meant giving the people around you the sense that you knew what you were doing and could protect them, no matter how small or large the situation. Before heading to the platform there was one more thing you had to do. Scanning the crowds, you made your way over to Hitoshi after spotting his unruly purple hair. He was stood waiting for his train that didn't arrive for another 30 minutes whereas yours was due to leave in 10. Luckily the platform wasn't far. By now, quite a lot of your class had realised that you two were an item, and while the school wasn't particularly happy that your studies weren't priority, they weren't too bothered because you two weren't exactly a very showy couple. Which is why quite a lot of your classmates stopped and stared when you two hugged each other tightly in the middle of the platform. You'd spent so long seeing each other every single day pretty much that these next few days were going to be really hard. The announcement that your train had arrived rings over the tannoy system as Hitoshi rests his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek. "You should go or you'll miss the train. I'll see you in a few days, okay?" You breath out a sigh and nod, reluctantly breaking away from the hug. You flash him a big smile and for the first time ever, in front of pretty much all of your classmates, a real, authentic broad grin spreads across his face, much to the surprise of literally everyone who knows him. Imprinting his smile in your mind, you turn and head to catch your train.

The last time your legs hurt this bad was during your intensive training. You'd been running for so long. This was unexpected, so unexpected. You were just doing a regular patrol, you hadn't expected them to show up here. No one had. Thanks to Turbulence's quick thinking and action you'd managed to get away but you couldn't stop running. You had to find someone to help her. She couldn't fight them alone. They were THE League of Villains, or part of them at least. You kept running, pushing your fear down into the pit of your stomach, using Hitoshi's huge smile in your memory to spur you on. As you rounded the corner you bumped into something hard, and it hurt, knocking you back on the floor. You scrambled to your feet, your eyes widening as you were faced with a familiar face. From what you could remember on the news, his name was Satanos and he was quite powerful. You repressed a shudder at the sick smirk that crossed his face. "Well if it isn't the wannabe hero that Turbulence tried so hard to protect. How do you think she'd feel if she found out that the girl she tried so hard to save literally walked right into me...oh wait...she'll never know." Your body went cold. They couldn't...The look on his face told you they could, and they did. Your blood boiled. They'd killed an innocent hero who had protected you. "You monster!" All of your self control fizzled to nothing. You let out a blast of sound, shattering every window within radius and causing your enemy to cover his ears, wincing away from the onslaught of noise. This gave you the time to move in closer. You went in for a strike and before you knew it you'd found yourself face down on the ground, blood gushing from your nose as all of the air rushed from your body. He'd used his speed quirk. You tried your best to stand but felt a boot come down harshly onto your back, causing you to let out a scream. The blows kept coming and coming, faster than you could even see as you curled up and tried to shield. After what felt like an eternity the blows stopped. You were naive enough to think it was over. Maybe he was called back to the rest of the group. A small gasp left your lips as your eyes found him, crouching a little ways away from you as he took several things out from a bag you hadn't even seen him carrying. They looked almost....surgical. You tried to move but you couldn't, not just because of the damage from taking all of those hits, but during the flurry of attacks he'd managed to immobilise you. You were now stuck on your front on the concrete, blood running from your nose mouth and head, your left eye swollen shut. You DEFINITELY had broken ribs. "What....." You let out a painful cough and your eyes widened at the pool of blood now on the floor by your head. You mustered all of your strength to pin him with a glare "What are you planning to do to me?" The spine-chilling chuckle he let out shook you to your core. "You pissed me off big time. You're the first person since I was a kid who ACTUALLY stood a decent chance of hitting me, AND you made my ears bleed. So," You grimaced as he ran his tongue across a very scary looking knife "I'm going to take away the parts of you that MAKE that noise." You felt all blood drain from your face. He was going to do what. You thrashed against the bindings. The next few minutes was filled with white hot pain and screaming. you had never felt pain like this before, ever. The last thing you remember before passing out is the sight of someone running towards you, shouting to someone else to call an ambulance. The world went black. 

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now