You'll never be anything

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You spent the rest of the day hungry, but that was the least of your worries. As the final bell rang you stood up and began to collect your things. Hitoshi had already collected his school stuff and headed off to the dorms to get some things to stay at your place. You knew for a fact that your parents would be less than impressed that you were having a friend stay over this close to the sports festival, not that they'd show it Infront of him. They'd pretend like they were excited and then make you train even harder once you were separated. You slowly made your way over to the gates of the boy's dorm building and waited for Hitoshi.

Kicking off your shoes at the door you sluggishly announce to your parents that you're home. You lead Hitoshi through to the living room where you know your parents will be sat waiting to hear about all the revision you did during lunch before shutting you in the garage to train. They use the garage because it's the only room that's soundproofed. You take a seat in your chair, coincidentally the most uncomfortable and worn down of the chairs in the living room as your mother gestures for Hitoshi to sit on the sofa with her. She turns to you. "Your notes?" You reach into your bag, pulling out the 5 full, double-sided sheets of A4 paper covered in your revision notes. Her eyes skim over the page as you watch, trying to read her face. She looks up at you, her expression blank. "Is this all?" You nod, not saying a word to defend yourself because you knew it wouldn't make a difference. You flinch, looking down at your hands as she throws the paper down on to the coffee table. "Unacceptable. You get an hour and a half for lunch period and you give me this? How do you expect to become a pro hero when you can't pass your exams? Hm?" If you were any other child you'd probably remind her that you couldn't become a pro hero because you were in the reserve course. The highest you could achieve was sidekick. But you bit your tongue, knowing it wouldn't help. "I'm sorry, I'll do better tomorrow." Your mother sighs and rubs her temples. "Tomorrow isn't good enough. Do you think pro hero's get to say that? I'm sorry I couldn't save this person but I'll do better tomorrow? No, they don't. So buck up your ideas or you'll never be anything worthwhile." You nodded again, keeping your lips sealed shut. Your father, as usual, doesn't say anything. He still pushes you more than he should but he's more lenient with you than your mother is. The only reason your mother's like this is because she had to give up on being a hero to have you, so she's living vicariously through you.

During dinner, your mother fawns over Hitoshi, reminding him how amazing he is and giving the usual "why can't you be more like him?" Speech. After dinner your mother shows Hitoshi up to your room while you head into the garage to train. So far, you've managed to extend your usage time to 15 minutes, which is a big improvement. Unfortunately, you still hadn't managed to widen your range. You concentrated your hardest, trying to ignore the trembling in your legs that told you they were about to give out. You tried and tried and tried to extend it just that little bit further, until your whole body was trembling. Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough. Your legs have out, causing you to clatter to the floor in a heap. You lied there, not even having enough strength to pull yourself up like you usually do. You fought hard with the tears that you knew were gonna come eventually. You had to get better or she'd never love you properly. You had to.

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now