You really are a fanboy, huh?

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A/N: I kinda added this chapter in just to explain (Y/N)'s quirk to y'all. Next chapter will continue with the story, dw.

You spent the rest of the time between the end of your match with Kaminari and your next qualifier in a break room with Hitoshi. You residual excitement had died down and now you were feeling the ache in your legs. Even though you'd not used it for a length of time those were two big blasts and they took a lot out of you. You stand up and take a wander down the corridors to find something to drink. You rounded the corner and bumped into Midoriya. He fell back onto the floor which was funny to you. He was meant to have this powerful quirk that broke his bones but he could easily be bulldozed by a girl from the reserve course. "S...sorry...I didn't see you there." You shrug, telling him it's fine. His eyes meet yours and your confusion grows as his face lights up. "Woah, this is so cool, I've...I've actually been wanting to talk to you. You're friends with Shinsou, right?" You cross your arms over your chest. "Yeah, what of it?" His eyes widen. "I...I didn't mean anything bad...I just wanted to know if you could explain his quirk a little bit more for me. I'm kinda a huge nerd and I'm trying to take notes on as many quirks as possible." You sigh. He's not the first person who talked to you to learn more about Hitoshi. "Listen, it's not my place to tell you this stuff. The person who knows the most about Hitoshi's quirk is him. You wanna know more about it talk to him, although I doubt he'll want to speak to you right now, he's still kinda sour." Midoriya nods, seeming to think this over. "Sure, I get it. Well, could you spare a couple minutes to explain your quirk too?" You were surprised, compared to Hitoshi no one ever wanted to know about your quirk. They just figured you used sound waves to attack, but it's more complicated than that. You shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I guess I could, you'd better be quick though cos I'll only say it once." As if from nowhere he pulls out a pen and a notebook. You laugh. "no no no, not here. I need to sit down, I'm aching."

You both sat down in a separate break room, seeing as you didn't wanna annoy Hitoshi with Midoriya's presence. You still texted him to tell him where you were though. You flopped yourself down on one of the chairs and put your feet up on the table, wincing at the strain on your muscles. Midoriya pulls out the notebook and pen again. "So, as you know my Quirk's called Rhythmetia. I use the speakers on my shins to expell music. That's where Mic's description stops being accurate. Everyone always thinks I just use it to push people, but it's actually more complex. It's quite similar to Hitoshi's quirk. I'm sure you know that with his quirk the mind control is  instantaneous once you answer his question. Mine is a little different. While I CAN technically mind control someone, it's more like continuous subliminal messaging. Rather than telling you what to do and you obeying, the different types of music from my speakers plant an idea in your mind and make you think it's your own. It takes a while for it to work, the more of the sound waves that hit you, the stronger the impulse to obey the instinct will be. I WOULD have used that technique in the fight but that guy fried his brain so it wouldn't work so I just pushed him out with the force of the sound. If you think about it it's kind of a mix of Hitoshi's and Present Mic's quirk. Also, the louder and harsher the type of music the less time it takes for the impulse to become stronger. So Rock music takes like 3 waves and classical or lo-fi take about 9. This quirk DOES come with its drawbacks, but I won't be telling those to an enemy." You look over to see him scribbling everything down hastily, mumbling away to himself. You cross your arms and watch him before laughing. He looks up at you, shocked. "You really are a fanboy, huh?" His cheeks tint pink as he apologises. You smile and stand. "Nah it's okay, that level of commitment to your studies is cool. Just.....don't rely on strategy alone all the time, yeah?" You head to the door and turn back to him. "Do your best next round, it'd be cool if we get to fight." You leave him in there, mumbling to himself about your quirk as you head back to Hitoshi.

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now