Slumber Party

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You were lying on the floor for at least three hours. This training session had really taken its toll on you. You hardly got any training in because your body was so drained. You managed to drain yourself twice during the 5 hour training session. You were concentrating so hard that you didn't realise that Hitoshi had opened the door as was watching you, stood just outside your range. Your eyes met as your legs collapsed again and you fell to the ground. You braced yourself for the familiar impact but it never came. You opened your eyes to see Hitoshi hovering above you, his hands under your head and back, a worried look on his face. "Are you okay, Bow?" You do your best to nod your head but moving hurts. You wince at the screaming in your muscles. He nods and very carefully picks you up. You squeal and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging yourself to his chest. You hated heights and being picked up. Hitoshi knew this but he also knew that you wouldn't be able to leave the room by yourself. Your eyes glanced towards the clock on the wall before you tried to scramble from his arms, ignoring the pain. "I can't leave yet, I've still got half an hour. She'll kill me if I leave early." He holds you tighter to him, not letting you go. "You're in no fit state to continue. You're gonna hurt yourself if you keep at it. I'll just tell her I got bored and made you come out, don't worry about it. I'm worried about you, Bow." You look up at his face before letting out a sigh. You cuddle against his chest the way you used to when you'd had a nightmare as a kid, closing your eyes. "Thank you, fuzzball." He chuckled at the old nickname you gave him, also because of his hair. "You haven't called me that for a while." You smile, not opening your heavy eyelids, mainly because you couldn't. "Makes it more special." You slowly slip into sleep, letting the beating of his heart lull you into Dreamland.

You wake up still cuddled into Hitoshi's chest. You smile as you feel his fingers in your hair, soothing you. You stayed still as you felt his heart and breathing until you heard him chuckles. "You like laying on my chest that much you pretend to be asleep, huh Bow?" You smile and cuddle into his chest more. "Yes, it's very comfortable Hitoshi." Anyone who walked in now and didn't know you two would probably think you were a couple but you didn't care. He had been your closest friend since you were born, you stood by him when everyone bullied him about his quirk in school and he stood by you when your mother started doing the things she's doing. You couldn't imagine ever NOT being friends with him. Your eyes closed again as he continued to stroke your hair. You didn't sleep though. You just enjoyed it.

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now