Need a distraction?

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⚠️This gets kinda steamy⚠️

Hitoshi had been staying at your house for a week now and he could see just how stressed you were getting. The closer it got to the day the less sleep you got. By the night before the festival you were basically a walking zombie. You walk into your room after your shower and flop onto your bed face first, not even bothering to switch out your dressing gown for pajamas. You don't move as you hear the bedroom door open and close as Hitoshi comes in. You hear his low chuckle as he asks "How're you feeling, Bow?" You groan in response as you roll over onto your front. Unbeknownst to you, this gives Hitoshi a straight view of your chest. It takes all his power to restrain himself as he comes and sits on the edge of your bed. "I know I'm overthinking it...but I really don't wanna let them down. Yaknow?" You watch him as he nods, keeping his eyes fixed on the wall across from you both. "I understand what you're saying Bow. But you've gotta think about what's best for you, not them. If you keep going on like this you're gonna have to drop out faster and that won't be good for either of you." You sigh as you push the heels of your palms into your eyes, trying to rub the tiredness from them. "Yeah I know. I think I just have too much time in my own head. And the teachers don't help by bringing up how important the publicity is every two seconds. I just need to take my mind off it." There is silence as Hitoshi seems to think this over before he looks directly into your eyes. "So what you're saying is that you want a distraction?" You shudder as you feel the heat in his gaze. You're almost scared to break the eye contact so you keep peering into his dark stare. "I....I....yes...." You barely have time to think before he's on top of you, your eyes wide. "You know what I mean by distraction,right? If you don't want this, tell me now because I won' can't stop half way through." Your eyes wander across his face before they meet his lips and become trapped there. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pluck up the courage to speak. "Kiss me, Hitoshi." And boy, does he oblige.

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now