It's that time again

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Siting down in your chair you let out a sigh as you place your bag on the hook. Another day, another preparation speech about the sports festival. It was your first year here but you really weren't looking forward to it. You'd seen it on the TV before and you hated the very idea. If it weren't for your parents' nagging, you probably wouldn't have even come to UA. They definitely weren't impressed that you were on the reserve course and not the hero course, but there was nothing you could do about that. You probably would have gotten into the hero course if it weren't for your quirk's drawbacks.

You're snapped out of your thoughts by someone coming to sit next to you. A broad smile crosses your face as the purple haired boy turns to you, grumbling out in his oh so deep morning voice, "Morning, Bow." You playfully rolled your eyes at the nickname. He'd been calling you it for as long as you'd know him, which was a long time. It used to be Rainbow but he'd shortened it. He called you it on account of you quirk induced multicoloured hair. "Morning, and congratulations, you're actually here on time today. That means you either got a really good night sleep, or you didn't sleep at all and got bored so you decided to come to school." He chuckles lowly. "Second one." You nod, smiling as you pull out your notebook and pencil case. "So, what kept you up this time?" You see his jaw visibly clench with annoyance. "Monoma's stupid fucking music, again." You shake your head. "I thought there was meant to be a curfew for loud music." He puts his head down on the desk. "There is, our dorm leader just doesn't care." You sigh as you write the date at the top of your page. "Why dont you just come stay at my house? We have plenty of room, my parents love you AND you won't have to put up with Copycat and his shitty taste in music." He seems to think this over before shrugging. "Sure." You smile and turn your attention back to your teacher as he begins to teach.

It's 5 minutes before the end of lesson bell. It's almost lunchtime and the classroom is buzzing. You're probably the only person who isn't excited about lunch. You got less than perfect on your most recent test so your parents said that, as punishment, you'd go without lunch at school to give you more time to revise. You slumped back in your chair as you heard the familiar "One more thing." from your teacher which meant he was going to talk to you all about sports festival again. "Keep in mind, the UA sports festival is next week. If you really have a serious reason why you don't want to take part, make sure to let us know before next week. Feel free to stay behind to talk to me about it once everyone's gone. Other than that, thank you all for this morning, enjoy your lunch and I'll see you after. You're free to go." Everyone scrambles up and heads out of the room to get in the line for food. You sigh and pull out your textbooks to start taking your notes and revising. Luckily for you, Vlad King didn't really care whether students stayed in his classroom over lunch period. You got your head down and revised like crazy, trying to ignore the ache in your calves from all the training your parents were making you do. You sighed again as you rubbed your temples, feeling a headache coming on. Grabbing your long since empty water bottle, you decided to take a wander to go fill it. You did your best to cover your limp as you headed down the stairs to a secluded corner to fill your bottle at the fountain that was very rarely used by other students because it was by 'the haunted stairwell.' You took your time, filling and rinsing your bottle multiple times. You were in a world of your own when you heard a familiar, rough voice behind you. "Boo." You jumped, whirling around ready to punch whoever thought it was funny to scare you before you saw it was Shinsou. You grumbled under your breath and thumped his arm. It wasn't a very hard punch, your muscles were still screaming at you. You grabbed your bottle, twisting on the cap. "That wasn't funny, Hitoshi." He chuckled, taking a seat at the bottom of the stairs. "That's strange, because I thought it was hilarious." You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to him. "I didn't see you in the cafeteria so I came to look for you. Have you eaten?" You shake your head and shrug. "No, but I'm not really hungry so-" Almost on cue your stomach grumbled loudly in protest. You sigh and look down. "Traitor." Shinsou looks at you sideways. "Your test score?" You nod, fiddling with the clasp on your bottle. "Yeah, so now I have to revise throughout lunch and train twice as much when I get home. I'm allowed 5 minutes for dinner and then back to it till 10pm. So unfortunately, we won't get to spend much time together even though you're staying at my house." He shrugs. "There's always after 10pm unless you're too tired." You shake your head. "I'll be in too much pain to sleep. I could barely get out of bed this morning, took all I had to get to school. So yeah, we can hang out after ten." You wince as the sound of the bell pierces through your already pounding skull. Shinsou stands and holds out his hand to help you up. You take it and let out a small squeak as he pulls you a little harder than you were expecting, causing you to stumble and fall into his chest. He catches you with ease. You take a breath and straighten yourself before giggling. "Warm me next time you're gonna try and pull my arm off." As you head back to lesson, you try to shake off the feeling that you saw a small blush on Hitoshi's cheeks.

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