It all gets better from here

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Settling yourself between his legs, you lean against Hitoshi's chest, letting the warm bath water surround your now aching muscles. Today had been rough. You let your eyes drift closed as your nose fills with the soft smell of lavender from the bath salts. You let sleep take over you, not having any strength left to fight it off.

Your eyes flutter open and you're faced with the soft slithers of moonlight coming through your slightly open curtains. As your eyes adjust you realise you're in your bad, and that Hitoshi is basically wrapped around you. You can't help but smile as you gently reach up to brush some purple strands from his sleeping face. He always looks so relaxed when he sleeps, on the rare occasion that he does. You giggle quietly as he grumbles, furrowing his brows as he dreams. You gently rub the creases between his eyebrows before pulling your hand back as he stirs. His eyes half open but stay lidded and sleepy. He's half awake. You smile softly and kiss his forehead. "Sorry for waking you, your wrinkles were cute." Your voice is an almost silent whisper. He chuckles quietly, deeply, almost vibrating. "You were quite cute yourself, falling asleep on me in the bath." He shifts a little, stretching like a cat before lying his back and opening his arms for you. You clamber onto him, snuggling against his chest as he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. You relish in his scent. He always smells like fresh night air. You can never explain it but it's a very crisp soothing smell. You'd always liked his smell but it wasn't until you'd gone camping with your class in a forest that you'd realised that was his smell. It was kind of sad actually. It was a lonely smell, but it made you feel safe. You knew that when you smelled that on him, you would be safe no matter what was going on. You let out a soft sigh. After what had happened today, this is what you needed. To feel safe. To be with him. It overwhelmed you that, even though you'd always been with each other and you'd always felt safe around him,  it felt so different now that you'd both said that you love each other. You smile as Hitoshi's hand strokes your hair as his other arm stays wrapped around your waist. "(Y/N)?" You hum in acknowledgment, too comfortable to speak. "Did you mean what you said earlier? About loving me?" His voice is quiet, almost scared, as if speaking any louder would scare you away. You shift slightly, moving to rest your chin on his chest and look into his now fully open eyes. You doubted either of you would get back to sleep. "Of course I did, I don't think I've ever meant anything more sincerely in my life." Despite the seriousness of your conversation, you still spoke in hushed tones. Your heart swells when you see his lips curl into a soft smile as he reaches up to tuck some hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek. "You're so beautiful, you know that, right?" You turn your face towards his hand and close your eyes, savouring the gentleness of his touch. A lot of people looked at Hitoshi and thought he was scary and cold and intimidating but you knew different. You were the only person who ever got to see this side of him, even when you were just friends. He was so sweet and kind and he always smiled and laughed as if he didn't have a care in the world when you two were alone. He could always always make you feel better. He also never asked you for details. He could always tell that something was wrong but he let you tell him the details in your own time. You couldn't help but think to yourself that this minor thing was one of the reason you caught feelings for him. It may be an insignificant thing, like second nature to him, but to you it meant the world. You were brought from your thoughts when he started speaking again. "I know it's not really my place to say anything, but I should decide for yourself what to do with your life. I want you to know that no matter what you choose it won't change how I see you. You will always be the most amazing, astounding woman I have ever met so....I dunno where I was going with this but....I just wanted to tell you." You can't help but smile. He's the first person who wasn't your teacher to tell you that. It was different for the teachers because they're basically legally obligated to say that to you but now that it was Hitoshi saying it, it felt like it actually meant something. You lean up and kiss him softly. "I still wanna be a hero, but on my own terms. For me this time, instead of her." He gently rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. "That sounds like a good idea." The two of you spend the rest of the night wrapped in eachother's arms, talking about everything and nothing, without a care in the world. 

Sleepless nights spent with you (Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now