Chapter 18 - Thunders

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Camila woke up with the sound of chatter in the kitchen, she looked over to her right where her mother had pleased a pillow. She got up and made her way to the kitchen where she saw Karen and Manny chattering with Sinu and abuela. Sinu gave Camila a look that conveyed she was sorry and that Shawn was not here. She bid everyone hello then made her way upstairs with the excuse that she had a headache.

    She entered her room and immediately looked out the window where she saw a shirtless Shawn playing guitar facing away from the window. She could faintly hear what he was playing but the snipped that she did hear made her heart skip a beat and her head spin.

    The lyrics hit her like a train going full speed so in the heat of the moment she slipped out of her room, went downstairs and headed for his house. She used her key and without thinking she headed for his room that she knew oh so well.

She burst the door open and Shawn didn't even flinch when she entered the room. He just put the guitar on the bed and looked at her from his seat.

"Why?" Camila asked once again.

Shawn sighed and figured why not? He already had the no the worst thing that could happen was she would not talk to him... oh wait. "I've loved you since we were in seventh grade. I've always loved you but I wasn't enough for you I had some demons I had to deal with and when I was going to tell you I loved you, well you said 'I met this guy.' And my world fell apart. You were happy and when my dad showed up here it proved that I was not okay and not the right guy for you. So I tried to stay close I tried to not feel but every single time you kissed Jake it felt like a punch in the gut and when I saw you two exchange 'I love you's. Well I saw that the only way for me to be able to live and let you be happy was if I went away." Camila had tears in her eyes and the next thing she did caught them both by surprise.

Without thinking twice Camila fast walked to him and took his lips in her's. Shawn didn't think twice before he sat her down on his lap and swiped hit tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance. She opened up and moaned when she felt his tongue against hers. Her arms were around his neck, and his hands were running up and down her back. They both were lost in the kiss that they didn't even know for how long they kissed but the next thing they knew they had to come up for air and Shawn's lips attached to Camila's neck and sucked on her pulse point. She moaned and that brought her back to reality. She stood up abruptly and left Shawn sitting there wondering what the fuck just happened.

Camila was in her room freaking out about what happened but she couldn't help but remember how his lips felt on hers, how his hands ran up and down her back, how she ran her hands through his hair, how he pulled her closer to him, how attentive he was to her and how her lips tingle and the heat between her legs only grew as she thought more and more about the heated kiss.

And while she was in her room freaking out Shawn was still sitting on the chair wondering what the hell just happened and if it was really real or just his imagination but then he looked down and well... it had to be real.

The night winded down and everyone was in their respective rooms. The wind started to blow and Shawn knew there was a storm coming and his only concern wasn't if the window was closed but Camila. Camila had always hated storms, especially because of her father. During storms sometimes he would leave Camila outside to get soaked and scared of the thunders. He would drink at home and make her take the beers to him.

So when she moved her grandfather used to be able to calm her down but after he died that duty fell upon Shawn and he suddenly wondered what she did when he wasn't here but the truth was she didn't do anything. She stayed awake almost in a daze looking at the door waiting for either Shawn to walk in or her father with a beer bottle and a belt to make her go outside or clean the living room. So usually the next say she wouldn't go to school or would have a lot of coffee.

Sure enough the thunders started coming and Shawn tossed and turned but nothing got him to sleep so he went over to the window to see if she was sleeping and sure enough she was sitting on her bed looking at the door in a daze. Shawn knew it wasn't a good idea but he couldn't not let her sleep so he tiptoed to his backyard and passed through the secret passageway to her backyard. He then opened the back door with his key and tiptoed up to her room.

He opened the door and saw he shudder as tears spilled out of her eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's just me. It's me Camilita." Shawn put his hands up to show he wouldn't hurt her and as soon as she saw it was him she rushed to his arms an nuzzled her head on his neck taking in his escent. "Shshshsh am here it's okay." Shawn soothed her and lifted her up slightly to take them both to her bed. He laid them both down and kept soothing her in hopes of being able to make her sleep.

After about 30 minutes little soft snores filled the room. Shawn smiled and kissed her forehead. The door opened a little to reveal Sinu.

"Oh, hey. Umm she couldn't sleep and I am sorry I know I shouldn't have but..." Sinu cut him off by putting her hand up.

"It's good to have you back mijo. She needs you. You both need yourselves." She kissed him on the forehead and exited the room leaving them there.

Shawn heard a mumbled 'I love you' and his smile was too big for his face. He looked down at her soft expressions and smiled.

"I love you too." He kissed her head and she snuggled closer to him.

They slept snuggled up and in the middle of the night Camila woke up facing Shawn. She didn't freak out of got angry so instead she softly traced his features with her finger, she leaned in and kissed his lips and let hers linger a little bit longer before drifting back to sleep with the feeling of being safe and sound in the arms of her best friend and maybe something more... who knows? But all that mattered right now was that he was there.

Author's note

Awwwwwweee this is cute 🥰 ☺️ who writes this type of shit? Oh yeah me never mind then.

Ya'll know.

xoxo Love Ana xoxo

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