Chapter 14 - The concert.

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    A/N: This is the built up from the Jake breakup. They breakup months before Shawn comes back and he only comes back when both learn how to live without each other. Then they learn that it is better to live with each other. And then a little surprise for you guys. Love you guys.

    Camila's POV

    It's been two weeks since Jake and I broke up and even though my mom knows she doesn't try to say anything bad about it. She just asks how I am and if I need anything. Jake also hasn't said anything but he texts me from time to time to check in and see if I am okay.

    Look I know you don't want to hear from me and I understand why. I just want to make sure you are okay and taking care of yourself. I know this must be tough and I get it if you want to slap me across the face but just know that I will steer clear of your way. just know that I will be here if you need anything or just a shoulder to cry on. I'll even be your punching bag if you must... I am here and I will always be there if you need anything. Take care Mila.

    I turn off my phone and go take a shower. Lately it seems like only a hot shower can get me clean and relaxed.

    Few months go by and I start to feel like I've learned how to live without Shawn and learned how to live. I go out with my friends and even flirt a little bit at clubs. I spend time with Sofia and Aaliyah. I have been playing more and more lately. I've even been doing gigs around town. Lauren plays the electric guitar, another friend called Emily plays the drums, and a close friend of Lauren's from the LGBTQ+ plays the bass.

    Eventually I do talk to Jake and it's not as awkward as I thought it would be. I finally understood that our breakup was needed and that I was treating him like a girl best friend instead of my boyfriend. We both said our goodbyes and now I can even talk to him in the hallways of the school.

    Lauren has been talking to some girl that she met online and even facetimed before. Apparently she lives in Canada but she is really Brazilian. I don't know her name but I do know that she lives in Toronto.

    As I started to get better people have been less cautious about what information they share when I am around. Mostly someone winces when Shawn's name comes up but I don't mind. I know that I was a little bit aggressive or depressive about it before but now I know why he did what he did but I don't know if I can look at him and act like I completely understand what he did.

    As the holidays close in we get more and more gigs around small towns and even big ones.

    "I am so nervous." Lauren says biting her nails.

    "Stop it or they will be bone and flesh before we get to the stage." I grab her hand pulling it away from her mouth.

    "But Mimi I am nervous." I know that when she calls me Mimi something is really wrong.

    "Okay, you two stay here," I signal between Pou and Emily. "Lauren come with me." I pull her towards the stairs.

    "Why are you so nervous?" I ask when we get to a secluded place. "Is not the first time we are playing for a big crowd and yet you are biting your nails like we are performing for the queen." She lets out a breath before explaining what in gods name is going on with her.

    "Remember the girl I said I like? the one I've been talking to online and we even facetime just to make sure she is not a catfish?" She asks I nod. "well she is going to be out there today." I sigh and laugh.

    "You almost gave me a heart attack girl. Come here, you will be fine. Everything will be okay and if she really likes you she will also love the performance." I pull her in for a hug and instantly feel her relax against me.

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