Chapter 19 - Sunflowers

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        Camila woke up with Shawn's head nuzzled against her chest with quiet little snores coming from him. Camila looked down and saw that her body disappeared under his giant body she laughed softly and inhaled his ascent, his coconut shampoo, his Irish body wash, everything made him smell so good. Camila let out a content sigh and felt Shawn stir on top of her. She smiled as he struggled to get out of her embrace. She chuckled and tightened her embrace around him making him laugh then stopped for a scone and kissed her neck before he tickled her sides making her laugh and loosen her embrace enough for him to pick his head up and look at her.

"Hi" Camila smiled as she saw his disheveled hair. Even at 17 and with the body of an adult he could still be like that 13 year old kid with light freckles and a cheeky smile.

"Hi" He grinned back at her and she was very glad that she was already lying or else her knees would've given out a long time ago.

"Thank you." Camila whispered and he knew what she meant. He nodded and smiled.

"I know I went away and I know I hurt you but I am back and I will always be there for you. You say the word and I am there, even if you hate me, even if you are pissed at me, even if you go to Europe I will hop on a plane and go to you. Before I loved you in a romantic sense I loved you as a friend and that will not change. Even if you reject me, because when I was away I noticed that even though I wanted you there to kiss on the top of the ferris wheel I also wanted you there to watch silly movies and dance around the kitchen with our little sisters. I love you and always will." Shawn leaned his forehead against her and wiped a tear from her eye, she smiled and nodded with teary eyes. Shawn wanted to kiss her but he held back not knowing how she felt. Camila noticed and found it endearing but she had spent too long denying her feelings and now... well now they took over every sense she had as she leaned in and kissed him with everything she had. Shawn was a little bit startled but after a moment he kissed her back hoping that the kiss coveys every feeling he had for her.

They kissed slowly but the kiss quickly built up and Shawn groaned when Camila opened her mouth and deepened the kiss. Shawn felt his jeans tighten. Camila moaned when she felt his erection pressing on her stomach. Camila laid down on the bed taking Shawn with her. They kissed frantically and as Shawn kissed her neck they were both startled by a knock on the door.

"Breakfast is ready!" They heard Sinu call from outside then heard footsteps going down the hall and downstairs. It was Tuesday but they didn't have school so Shawn thought about some plans for them but he didn't know if she wanted to participate in them so he kept his ideas to himself during breakfast. Aaliyah and Sofi went to school, Manny and Karen went to work as did Raquel's parents and Lauren's, Abuela went to her friends house to watch a cooking show, so Camila and Shawn were left at his house sitting on the couch attempting to watch a movie but failing since every 5 minutes their lips found each other like magnets.

And so they were in the middle of a steamy make out session when Shawn pulled away abruptly. Camila whined at the loss of contact with his lips then opened her eyes.

"What?" Camila asked, seeing the look of worry on her face.

"Camila, what about Jake?" Shawn asked remembering that Camila had a boyfriend when he left.

Camila drew in a breath then answered. "I am assuming Lauren didn't tell you huh? Jake and I broke up." Camila winced.

"Did you break up with him or did he break up with you?" Shawn asked weary.

"He... I... It was mutual...?" Camila winced again.

"He broke up with you huh?" Shawn asked his voice laced with anger. Camila nodded and Shawn sighed. "Coward couldn't help his girlfriend through difficult times." Shawn muttered under his breath.

"Shawn, he was there, he gave me space, he fought for me but after sometime I was treating him like a best friend instead of my boyfriend and that was the breaking point for him. I admit I was doing that, I was treating him like a best friend to the point where we didn't kiss for 2 months after you left." Shawn sighed and nodded.

"Okay, so does that mean I don't get to beat his ass?" Shawn asked playfully. Camila nodded laughing before pulling him in for another kiss.

They kissed slowly until Shawn pulled away again making Camila groan and whine.

"Come on let's get out of here." Shawn grabbed her hand and ran them both out of the house and into his car. As he drove Camila started teasing him by placing her hand on his thigh and gliding it up and down. Every time she got close to his center she took her hand off making him groan in frustration. She just chuckled and kissed his cheek.

Shawn parked the car and Camila had been so focused on making him groan she didn't even notice where he was driving them. Shawn took them to a field of sunflowers he knew she would love. She always loved sunflowers. She squealed and ran to the sunflowers making Shawn chuckle. Coincidentally she was wearing a dress with sunflowers on it.

She twirled around and let the wind hit her face. Her lips swollen from kissing and her spirit and soul clean from the return of her lover. What would they be now? What would happen to them? They didn't know but all Shawn knew was that he would never let her go again. Camila knew he was the one and that she only had to say the word and he would be there. He always was.

Author's note

Thank you for sticking with me on this crazy ass journey but it has come to an end. Their story has run it's course and I don't know about sequel, so comment your thoughts and I will post me answer later.

xoxo Love Ana xoxo

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